- AZT group:adding the final concentration of 0.8 mm/L AZT in the cell culture fluid in 24 h. 加药组:细胞培养液中加入终浓度为0.;8 mm/L的AZT;作用24 h;
- Also to be deeloped is the cell culture in three dimensions, as well as ensuring the biocompatibility of the material. 另外也需要发展立体细胞培养以及确保材料的生物相容性。
- The cell culture was highly specific with the detection rate of 89.7% for early typical vesicle. 培养法作为金标准特异性高,对早期典型水疱检出率高达89.;7%25;
- This ssay was compared with the cell culture , and sensitivity of 100% . specificity of 92. 3% ,dia-index number of 192. 3% were derived. 用此方法检测临床标本与细胞培养比较后,得出3项重要的综合评估指标,及诊断敏感性、诊断特异性和诊断指数分别为100%25,92.;3%25和192
- Method: Osteoblast were isolated from crinial of neogenesis rat and the cell culture on that two coating surface in vitro . 方法:采用SD新生鼠颅骨分离成骨细胞,与制备的2种涂层材料共同体外培养。
- Result: BMSCs were adherent to the plastic surface of the cell culture dish and growed fast 3 day later. The morphology of BMSCs tended homogenous after 7-10 days. 结果:骨髓基质细胞在塑料培养皿中贴壁生长,3天后增殖迅速,7-10天大部分融合,排列呈成纤维样细胞。
- Though there was no difference in detection rate with the three antigens, the cell culture supernate antigen was superior to other two antigens in titre and line sharpness. 三种抗原在检出率上虽无差异,但细胞上清液制备的抗原在效价、沉淀线的清晰度方面优于其它两种抗原。
- Results In the presence of zinc,the diameter and volume of neurons as well as the content of protein in the cell culture were markedly increased in image analysis and FACS. 结果锌能促进体外培养中脑神经元细胞突起生长,突起数增多,神经元的存活数和神经元胞体的直径和面积增加。
- She was found prostrate on the floor of the cell. 有人发现她趴在小屋的地板上。
- The prisoner rapped out a message on the cell wall. 那囚犯敲打囚室的墙来传达讯息。
- The cell culture of BS80-6 provided better control of apple anthracnose than culture filtrates and autoclaved cells. 灭菌液和过滤液对苹果炭疽菌也有一定的抑制效果。
- The prisoner raped out a message on the cell wall. 那囚犯敲打囚室的墙来传达讯息。
- Methods Expression vector pCTLA 4/Ig was transfected into COS 7 with lipid reagent. The expression of fusion protein in the supernatant of the cell culture media was detected with double antibody sandwich ELISA. 方法 将pCTLA 4/Ig表达质粒转染COS 7细胞 ,双抗体夹心ELISA检测细胞培养上清中融合蛋白表达 ;
- The prisoner clawed at the cell door in desperation. 囚犯绝望地乱抓牢房的门。
- DMEM were used for the cells culture, and a light and an electorn microscope were used for the cells observation. 结果成釉细胞成簇生长,胞体多呈柱状,胞浆内细胞器发育完好。
- A SV_(40) late replacement expression vector containing secreted neuraminidase cDNA was transfected into COS cells. High nenraminidase activity could be detected in the cell culture medium. 将含分泌型甲型流感病毒神经氨酸酶cDNA的SV_(40)晚期区段取代载体转染COS细胞后,可在细胞培养液中测出高酶活力。
- The cell culture experiment confirmed that the compound exhibited better damaging effect on cancer cells such as S180, Helas and yac. 经过细胞培养实验证明,该化合物对癌细胞有良好的杀伤作用。对白血病的抑制率可达63%25以上。
- The cell culture technique was used in MDCK cells to get cell viability of different concentration the test samples by MTT assay. 体外实验以MDCK细胞为模型,采用MTT法检测药物对细胞存活率的影响,即药物毒性浓度测定;
- Methods Observed urine sediment in the cell culture plsreCmade in USA)and the enzyme label plate (made in Xiamen)with upside-down microscopy, and compared the results between them. 方法采用倒置显微镜法对美国生产的细胞培养板和厦门生产的酶标板进行尿液细胞计数的对比观察。
- The release of LDH and AST in the cell cultures of group KH was increased and ALP decreased (P<0.05) associated with an adverse effect on morphology. 细胞形态学亦有相应变化。 KH组LDH和AST释放量增加(P<0.;05);ALP活性下降(P<0