- And we love self-deprecating humor like we saw from the First Lady," says Mr. 我们喜欢第一夫人那种自我解嘲的幽默。”
- Who is married to the First Lady? 第一夫人嫁给了谁?
- This was a bit exhausting for the first lady. 这对第一夫人来说,真的是让她精疲力尽了。
- The first lady said she discovered the affair after finding a letter from the woman. 第一夫人说她在发现这个女人的一封来信后发现了这件事。
- I had a great angle for a nice long shot of him and the First Lady getting a warm welcome from the people of Prague. 我会有一个很好的角度拍摄到他和第一夫人受到布拉格人民热烈欢迎的漂亮的长时间镜头。
- I have heard from sources about the issue. Although Ah Bian's wife is the first lady, she is just a layman. 我从一些地方瞭解到这件事情的来龙去脉,扁嫂虽然贵为第一夫人,但在很多地方,还是非常的平民。
- At least one political analyst finds the First Lady something of a cipher. 很多分析家认为第一夫人简直就是一个难解之谜。
- The first lady impressed me by her voice, look, and air. 第一位小姐的声音,神情、风度给我留下很深的印象。
- What do you think of the First Lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton? 你对第一夫人-希拉里.;罗德姆
- He is known as the First Citizen and his wife, the First Lady. 他是最有名的第一公民,以及他的太太是第一夫人。
- For how many years was Dolley Madison the first lady? 多莉麦迪逊身居第一夫人有多少年的时间?
- But those hoping for an invite from Obama or the chance to swap recipes with the First Lady might be setting themselves up for disappointment. 不过那些希望受邀去奥巴马家里坐坐,或者有机会与第一夫人交换食谱的人可能要失望了。
- The first lesson is taken from St John's Gospel. 第一段圣经选自《约翰福音》。
- Some assured the First Lady that they would bring their own refreshments. 有些人叫第一夫人放心,说他们自己会带茶点来的。
- "The portrait looks good, so the clothes she wears," the first lady said. 总统夫人说:“这像画得很好看。”
- And she is the first first lady who is the direct descendant of slaves. 而且是第一位成为总统夫人的奴隶后裔。
- The first two chapters lift two sections from the book. 头两章是从那部书上剽窃来的。
- In this argument I'm proceeding from the first principles. 我的这一论点是对基本原理的继续阐述。
- The first lady accompanies the president during all his visits to other countries. 总统出访他国时,第一夫人总是陪伴同行。