- This play is the image of contemporary urban life. 这个剧本是当代城市生活的生动写照。
- The image of the dead child's face stuck in my mind for ages. 那孩子已死去多时,我对其面容仍记忆犹新。
- In the3800 Printing Subsystem, the material that forms the image on the paper. 在IBM的3800印刷子系统中,在纸上形成影象的材料。
- Doping, however, tarnished the image of GDR sport. 然而,前民主德国的形象被禁药物玷污了。
- That child is the image of good health. 那个小孩就是健康的化身
- The placid lake reflected the image of the trees. 那平静的湖面上映着树的影像。
- He saw the image of his face in the mirror. 他在镜子里看到了他的脸。
- They knelt before the image of the Buddha. 他们跪拜在佛像面前。
- The girl is the image of her mother. 这姑娘跟她妈妈一个模样。
- The image escaped from her memory. 那形象已经从她的记忆中消失。
- Can you spot another vortex street in the image? 你能在图中找到另一涡旋列吗?
- Gets the color depth of the image list. 获取图像列表的颜色深度。
- Object will look like the image shown in Figure 1. 对象看上去如图1中的图像
- The position and size of the image are fixed. 图像的位置和大小是固定的。
- He enlarged the image to see clearly the details. 他把图扩大以便看清楚细节。
- You are created in the image of God. 世你是按神的形象造的。
- The image is now set to 75 inches long. 图片现在已经被设置为75英寸长。
- Notifies the Image object of a postback event. 向Image对象通知回发事件。
- The vertical position at which to draw the image. 图像绘制处的垂直位置。
- It appears as a hazy, grayish patch on the image. 在图像中,沙尘呈灰白色。