- The interpretative target 刑法解释目标
- He served as the interpreter for the conference. 他担任这次会议的翻译。
- It's just that the interpretation was flawed. 只是这一解释是有缺陷的。
- Alone are the interpreters of thought? 思想只能用美妙的乐曲来表述?
- The interpretation of this fauna is still in flux. 对这一生物群的解释仍处于不断变化之中。
- First of all, the thesis explains the meaning of the interpretative news. 背景资料的合理应用是西方报刊解释性报道成功的重要环节;
- Through the interpretative nature of wills to power, the world is projected out of the chaotic and generating state. 权力意志是解释性的,而通过解释,无数个外观世界从这个混沌、生成的世界中被透视出来。
- The torpedo homed in on its target. 鱼雷射向目标。
- This is due to his pre-understanding and the interpretative essence of the understanding process. 译者的理解具有主观性,这是由译者的前理解及理解过程的阐释性质决定的。
- The thesis analyses mainly the report art of the interpretative news of the newspapers and periodicals in the west. 论文着重分析了西方报刊解释性报道写作的四大主要艺术特征:用事实说话是西方报刊解释性报道成功的基础;
- Don't leave the interpreters out in our invitation. 在我们的邀请中别把译员漏掉。
- The interpretative parameter provides effective evidence for productivity evaluation and single well work. 解释的参数以及单井措施作业都对产能评价提供了有效的依据。
- The company has met their export target. 该公司已经实现了它们的出口目标。
- What is the interpretation of this poem? 这首诗的译文是什么意思?
- The interpreter will respond by printing5. 解释器的响应是打印出5。
- He shot an arrow, but it fell short of the target. 他射了一箭,但没有射中靶。
- Let me do the interpretation for you. 让我帮你翻译。
- It has no other effect on the interpreter state. 该指令对于解释器状态没有其他影响。
- He won't hit the target at that distance. 他打不中那样远的目标的。
- THE INTERPRETER: First of all -- sorry. 翻译:首先,对不起,您刚才说什么?