- The night airsmells of fall 天气晚來秋
- A boy's cry broke forth in the still of the night. 孩子的哭声,打破了夜晚的寂静。
- They beheld the night scene of the city. 他们看了那个城市的夜景。
- You sudden and negligent gift is,like the meteor in the night of fall,burning in my life. 你刹那见不经意的馈赠,像秋夜的流星,在我的身心深初着了火。
- I wouldn't think of disturbing them at this hour of the night. 我不能想象这样深更半夜去打扰他们。
- The huge trees were profiled against the night sky. 在夜空的映衬下显出大树的轮廓。
- She stole out of the house in the middle of the night. 她在半夜里偷偷地走出那所房子。
- The prisoner alleges that he was at home on the night of the crime. 囚犯辩称案发当晚他在家中。
- The colors of Fall fill your desktop in this theme. 下跌的颜色在这个主题中填满你的桌面。
- I worried half the night and have a fitful sleep. 我半个晚上都一直在担心,故而时醒时睡。
- My reins also instruct me in the night seasons. 我的心肠在夜间也警戒着我。
- The boys spent the night under canvas. 孩子们在帐篷里过夜。
- He has a knack of falling out with everyone. 他有个怪癖,总是和每个人吵架。
- Can you bring to mind your whereabouts on the night of 21st May? 你能记起5月21日晚上你在哪里吗?
- I'd like to purchase what I need for the night. 我想要购买过夜所需的用品。
- She was hit by a piece of falling masonry. 她被建筑物上落下的一块石头砸着了。
- The caravan stopped for the night at an oasis. 旅行队在沙漠中的绿洲停下来过夜。
- Fog will persist throughout the night. 雾将整夜不散。
- Be ware of falling into their trap. 当心中了他们的计。
- Her husband was taken to hospital during the night. 她丈夫在夜间被送进医院。