- On the Trichotomy in the Real Right Property of Right to Develop Natural Resouces 论自然资源使用权物权属性的三分制
- The real right property 物权属性
- The Real Right Law classifies property right into state ownership, collective ownership and private ownership, offering equal protection, which represents historic progress. 摘要物权法将财产所有权划分为国家所有权,集体所有权和私人所有权并对其提供平等保护的设计,是一个历史性的进步。
- The creation or alienation of the real right of a chattel shall be delivered in accordance with law. 动产物权的设立和转让,应当依照法律规定交付。
- That's where the real danger lies. 这正是真正的危险所在。
- The Real Right Behavior Theory, ever since it was proposed, has invited wide debates. 自物权行为理论创立以来,该理论引起了广泛的争论。
- The use rights of the land belongs to the use rights of the real rights, and the essence of goodwill is also the intelligent property rights. 其次,认为土地使用权应当与其他用益物权合并,商誉的本质仍旧为知识产权。
- The purpose of the real right legal system is to solve the problem of belongingsand utilization of the proprietary right in society. 物权法律制度目的在于解决社会中财产权利的归属和利用的问题。
- Article 6 The creation, alteration, alienation or termination of the real right of a realty shall be subject to registration in accordance with law. 第六条不动产物权的设立、变更、转让和消灭,应当依照法律规定登记。
- The nonidentity spares a possible space for a deontology of the real right between the first and the second forms of Kant's categorical imperative. 摘要在建构一种物权的道义论意图下,本文首先论证,康德定言命令前两种表述在逻辑上的非等价性为物权道义论预留了可能的空间;
- What was the real reason for your absence? 你缺席的真正原因是什么?
- Abstract: Numerus clausus means that the category of the real right must be stipulated by law, and not be established freely by the concerned party. 文章摘要: 物权法定主义指物权的种类必须由法律规定,当事人不得任意创设。
- The author holds that the law of real right of our country may not adopt the theory of real right behavior,but can not put the existence of the real right behavior ignoring. 我国物权法可以不采纳物权行为的无因性理论,但不应置物权合意的存在、物权行为的独立性于不顾;
- He can't apprehend the real nature of change. 他不能理解变革的真实性质。
- Article 23 Unless it is otherwise prescribed by any law, the creation or alienation of the real right of a chattel shall come into effect upon delivery. 第一百四十三条建设用地使用权人有权将建设用地使用权转让、互换、出资、赠与或者抵押,但法律另有规定的除外。
- In the middle of various countries' civil law system, the real right system holds the very important status, equalizes taxes by consummates, detailed... 在各国的民法制度当中,物权制度都占有非常重要的地位,均赋以完善、详...
- Such right of priority possesses the nature of the real right for security, whose characteristics of attachment, retroactivity, subrogation and undivision become the th. 该项优先权具有担保物权的性质,其附从性、追及性、物上代位性及不可分性的特点,成为解决审判实践中所遭遇问题的理论基础。
- The real power resides in the people. 真正的权力属于人民。
- The real estate business is thriving. 房地产生意兴隆。
- From the conditions, ignorance and omission, of free will, we can deduce the external rule of the real right, which all things have the equal moral status. 最后,从意志自由的条件(“不知”和“不欲”)出发,导出物权道义论的外部规则,即万物具有平等的道德地位。