- The skunk bocame a hero 臭鼬成了英雄
- I see in him the making of a hero. 我看他有英雄的气质。
- Did she also take the skunk to her bosom? 她把臭鼬也抱在怀里吗?
- Exclusiveness is a characteristic of recent riches, high society, and the skunk. 排他主义,是为了近来的有钱人家、上流阶级以及臭鼬等的特色。
- He acquitted himself like a hero. 他表现得像个英雄。
- He is a hero of the mould of Tung Tsun-jui. 他是董存瑞式的英雄。
- A hero is known in the time of misfortune . 乱世出英雄。
- Grandpa, were you a hero in the great war? 爷爷,你是大战中的英雄吗?
- You are a hero to dancing a lion to The Great Wall. 舞到长城方好汉。
- The author portrayed himself as a hero. 作者把自己描绘成了英雄。
- A hero only appears once the tiger is dead. 老虎死了英雄才出现。
- A hero is known in the time of misfortune. 乱世出英雄。
- In the pubic's heart ,he is a hero. 在公众的心目中他是一个英雄。
- A hero is not necessarily one who has done brave things. 英雄未必是做过勇敢之事的人。
- He is variously described as a hero, a genius and a fool. 把他说成是英雄、天才、笨蛋,不一而足。
- He was variously described as a hero, a genius and a fool. 把他说成是英雄、 天才、 笨蛋,不一而足。
- When the skunk sprayed him, the dog turned tail and ran. 臭鼬向狗喷射体液时,狗扭头就逃跑了。
- He will go down in history as a hero. 他将在历史上成为永垂不朽的英雄。
- The skunk gives off an unpleasant smell when attacked. 受到攻击时臭鼬会发出一种难闻的气味。
- I never supposed him(to be) a hero. 我从来没认为他是一个英雄。