- The spiciness of Indian food 印度菜的辛辣.
- I'm fond of Indian food and Ayurveda. 我对印度食品和印度草医学感兴趣。
- Kevin Rudd, Australia's prime minister, has even attested to his love of Indian food, a goodwill gesture that went down about as well as a soggy poppadum. 澳大利亚总理陆克文表示极爱吃印度菜,表示善意的手势,以及湿圆面包。
- Complex aromas of ripe red fruits, typical of Malbec, the spiciness of Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot, plus delicate hints of anise released by the Cabernet Franc. 梅尔别克经典的成熟红色水果香弥漫开来,交织着颂维翁和梅罗特的辛辣,和品丽珠特有的幽雅的茴香味儿。
- I can judge of Indian inclination by the symptoms. 从印第安人的表情上我可以判断出他们的意图。
- She has a penchant for Indian food. 她爱吃印度食物。
- America used to be the home of Indian tribes. 美洲曾是印第安部落的家园。
- There are a lot of Indian reservations in Arizona. 亚利桑那州有许多印第安保留区。
- Ann and Michael are two of a kind they both like rock music, old cars and Indian food. 安和迈克尔的爱好非常相似,他们都喜欢摇滚乐、老式汽车和印度菜。
- Most Indian food has a hot taste. 大部分的印度菜都很辣。
- This is the spiciest food I have ever eaten. 这是我吃过最辣的食物了。
- Can Economy of Indian exceed China? 印度经济能够超过中国吗?
- The most distinguishing feature of the Korean food is the spiciness. 韩国食物最显著的特点就是味道辛辣。
- Indian food is usually rather hot. 印度菜通常都相当辣。
- America was once the home of tribes of Indians. 美国一度曾是印第安部落的老家。
- You can even try the spicy food of Cuba here. 你甚至可以在这里尝尝辛辣的古巴菜。
- The classical art is the apotheosis of Indian art. 古典主义艺术是印度艺术的典范。
- We've had a good harvest of Indian corn this year. 今年的包米大丰收了。
- Elements of Indian culture juxtapose newer designs. 印度文化元素与新型设计并行。
- For those who cannot have hot food, please do not worry as the spiciness here is acceptable. 而怕辣的朋友千万别担心,这里的辣度属于可以接受,并不是那种吃下去就鼻涕口水直流的那类。