- The tributary was obstructed 支流梗塞
- The execution of the treaty was obstructed. 条约的履行受到了阻挠。
- The execution of the law was obstructed. 执法受到了阻挠。
- The road was obstructed by a fallen tree. 道路被一棵倒下的树挡住了。
- The road was obstructed by some fallen trees. 道路被一些倒下的树阻拦。
- The condition of being obstructed. 受阻被阻碍的状况
- The tributary debouched into the big river. 支流注入大江之中。
- A parked car was obstructing the highway. 一辆停放的汽车堵住了通道。
- His bowel was obstructed and we operated to bypass that. 他的肠道出现梗阻,我们开刀为它加旁道。
- The crystalline process of HDPE was obstructed and restricted by PET. HDPE的结晶过程受到了PET的阻隔、约束作用。
- The carabiner must not be obstructed, any pressure from the rock reduces its strength. 锁不能被岩石或者挂片阻碍,任何来自岩石的压力都会降低锁的强度。
- The mountain roads were obstructed by falling rocks. 山路被落下的岩石所遮断。
- The results showed that the fractal dimensions of the main stream and down stream gauging staitions were higher those that of the tributary, headwater gauging stations. 结果显示,同一流域干流的日径流过程分维值要明显大于支流的分维值,下游大于上游,4个水文站分维值年际变化趋势基本保持一致。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- The tributary system will be referred to more than once below, and we will also return to the practice of seaborne trade. 下面将不止一次地提到朝贡体系,我们也应回到海上运输这个话题上来。
- A fire was burning in the grate. 火在壁炉中燃烧着。
- The air in the garden was warm and fragrant. 花园里的空气一片温馨。
- Mr Anderson looks in on the extraordinary, tiny world of the tributary system within the Arctic ice, formed by trickles of briny water which gets squeezed as it freezes. 安德森细致考察了北极冰上特异而微小的支流系统,这些支流由咸水的细流组成,一旦结冰,就几乎断流。
- Patient: I have a poor hearing, ringing in the ear and my right ear seems tu be obstructed. 病人:我的听力不好,耳鸣,我的右耳似乎被堵塞住了。
- The biggest comprehensive scenic spot in Guilin, Seven-star Park is located on the east bank of Li River with the tributary of Li River zigzaging through it. 集书法、石刻、历史于一体的思想艺术殿堂,以深邃博大的文化底蕴,向我们展示着汉代以来分刻于桂林各地的著名碑刻。