- Served as the foil and contrast to the total narration of rural ones, purpose of the urban novel is exposes the humanity alienation, moral decay and dispirited vitality . 而都市题材小说是作为乡村叙述总体的一个对照系和陪衬物而存在,旨在揭露"城市世界"人性的异化、道德的沦丧和生命力的萎缩。
- I am out of conceit with the urban life. 我对城市生活已经厌倦了。
- The expressway rounded about the urban district. 高速公路环绕着市区。
- Inheriting,Expanding and Deepening--A Brief Comparison between the Urban Novel by Zhang Ai-ling and Wang An-yi 传承拓展与深化--张爱玲与王安忆都市小说创作比较一隅
- The urban petty bourgeoisie is a reliable ally. (六)城市小资产阶级也是可靠的同盟者。
- The urban growth created many problems. 城市的成长产生了许多问题。
- The epidemic centered in the urban areas. 传染病集中于市区
- The urban poor are in need of homes. 城市里的穷人需要住房
- How Far is the Urban Geography Information System? 城市地理信息系统,离我们究竟有多远?
- Poor people were make up most of the urban growth. 穷人将弥补城市增长的大部分。自然增长将主要来自乡村的移民。
- Could the urban tribes be on to something? 这是否表示"都市部落"有其道理?
- "Farther from the urban core prices more volatile. “距离核心城区越远价格越不稳定。
- The best hermit, lives in the urban legend. 最好的隐居,是在城市传说里。
- Harms the urban image and the homepage health. 有损城市形象和网页卫生。
- The front cover of the novel has been torn off. 这本小说的封面已被撕掉。
- The urban novel 都市小说
- The novel is a searing indictment of urban poverty. 这部小说是对城市贫困的震撼心灵的控诉。
- Options for the Urbanization Policy? 城镇化何如城市化?
- The novel unrolls the history of a certain woman. 那本小说揭露了某个女子的过去。