- The Raindrop Of Pine Forest 松林的雨滴
- One hectare of pine forest can retain 36.4 tons of dust annually. 一公顷松林一年可吸滞灰尘约36.;4吨。
- There are 3 types of PWD associated with the fire of pine forest,i.e. 火烧松林诱发松材线虫病可分为当年发病型、次年发病型和隐匿发病型。
- Close relations existed between the pine forest fire and the epidemic spread of pine wilt disease (PWD). 松林火灾与松材线虫病的发生和传播有着密切的关系。
- Amber is the resin of pine trees that grew very very long ago. 琥珀是古老的松脂。
- Lee, Ming Jen. 2000. Impact of pine wood nematode on pine forest sustainability in Taiwan. Proceedings of XXI IUFRO World Congress. PP.407. 李明仁。1998。台湾赤杨之遗传变异。两岸林木种原交流研讨会论文集台湾省林业试验所林业丛刊第88号PP.;107-112
- Lee, Ming Jen。2000。Impact of pine wood nematode on pine forest sustainability in Taiwan. Proceedings of XXI IUFRO World Congress. PP.407. 李明仁。1998。台湾赤杨之遗传变异。两岸林木种原交流研讨会论文集台湾省林业试验所林业丛刊第88号PP.;107-112
- There is a pine forest near our house. 我们家附近有片松树林。
- The campsite is set in the middle of a pine forest. 露营地建在了松树林的中间。
- They walked through the forest breathing the scent of pines. 他们步行穿过森林,呼吸着松树的芳香。
- It indicated that pine slash is the intermediate zone for dispersion and spread of PWD, therefore improving sanitary condition of pine forest, technique of felling and handling slashes scientifically is one of important measures for the disease control. 由此可见,松树采伐剩余物是松材线虫病扩散流行的一个重要的中间环节,改善松林卫生状况,规范松林采伐技术,科学处理剩余物是抑制松材线虫病扩散和流行的重要环节和措施。
- The raindrop look like the taars fo sky . 这雨像极了天空的眼泪。
- The pavilion is surrounded by a thick pine forest. 亭子被茂密的松林包围着。
- Needlelike, as the leaves of pine; acerate. 似针的,针状的似针的,如同松树的叶子;针状的
- Said the Raindrop to the Seed (the You &Me son... 该视频已添加到您的播放列表中。
- The forest is full of pine needles. 这个森林里到处都是松树。
- Trickling rain, endless longing. Oh, the raindrops of my yearning, will they fall on your hair and moisten your heart? 淅淅沥沥,扯不断的雨丝;绵绵长长,割不断的相思!相思的雨呀,是否也能温柔地洒落在你的发尖,淋洒在你心里?
- The odour of pines pervades the air in the forest. 林子里的空气中充满着松树的气味。
- Fortunately, a young girl's tears aren't yet like the raindrops of autumn or winter.They don't bring destruction and ruin to the face, but are more like the steady rains of early April, which soak and swell the ground, making it muddier. 幸亏年轻女人的眼泪还不是秋冬的雨点,不致把自己的脸摧毁得衰败,只像清明时节的梦雨,浸肿了地面,添了些泥。
- The raindrop was beating against the windowpanes. 雨点拍打着窗玻璃。