- The Star Golden Bell Challenge 明星挑战金锺
- Star golden bell super junior 明星金钟
- The star of the film is a previously unknown actor. 这部电影里的明星以前是个默默无闻的演员。
- The star is reportedly very ill. 据说该明星病重。
- Tony is the star player on our team. 汤尼是我队的主力。
- Golden Bell Sci-Tec Trading of SiChuan Unv. 四川大学金钟科技实业公司。
- Shanghai Golden Bell Commerce Development Co., Ltd. 上海金钟商业发展有限公司。
- Your name is like a golden bell hung in my heart. 你的名字就像金色腕铃挂在我心。
- It was just my luck to go to the play on the day the star was ill. 我总是这麽倒霉,去看戏那天偏巧明星病了。
- The star halfback hauled down the pass for a touchdown. 那位明星中位接住远传球触地得分。
- The star was whipped into a fast car and driven off. 那个明星迅速上了一辆汽车疾驶而去。
- And now, last but not least, the star of our show: Bendy Wendy. 现在最后出场的是我们剧中的明星:她是本迪·文迪。
- The star is holidaying in London. 那位明星正在伦敦度假。
- The stars came out as soon as darkness fell. 天一黑,星星就出来了。
- The stars came out as soon as it was dark. 天一黑,星星就出来了。
- The stars in the night sky are innumerous. 夜空中的星星数不清。
- Scorpio is the strongest of all the star signs. 天蝎座是所有星座里情感最强烈的一个。
- Just cover me with your golden bell anti in seven days and seven nights I'll become a man. 只要您把我放在金钟里,七天七夜我就能变成人。”
- The stars in the night sky are innumerable. 夜空中的星星数不清。
- Aquarius is the friendliest of the star signs. 水瓶座是所有星座中最友善的星座。