- The Year My Voice Broke 失声之年
- My voice broke to a whisper. 我的声音变成了喁喁细语
- She started at the sound of my voice. 她听到了我的声音,蓦地一惊。
- Hal used to sing in the cathedral choir until his voice broke. 哈尔在噪音变为成年人的之前一直在大教堂唱诗班唱歌。
- The company declared a large dividend at the end of the year. 公司在年底宣布分发高额股息。
- The racing car driver decided to go for broke in the last race of the year. 赛车手决定在该年度最后一场比赛上孤注一掷。
- Hi! You guys keep talking so loudly that I have to speak at the top my voice. 哎!你们几个大声讲话,我都不得不扯着嗓子说话了。
- Ma Chin's calm voice broke the silence. 终于又起来了玛金的镇静的声浪:
- I fancy the car he uses was made in the year one. 我想他用的汽车是很久以前制造的。
- It was named the best documentary of the year. 它被选为这一年最优秀的文献记录片。
- The song is pitched too high for my voice. 这首歌的起音太高了,我唱不上去。
- He said he used this system in the year dot. 他说他很久以前用过这个系统。
- When the melody rose, her voice broke up sweetly. 当曲调升高的时候,她的嗓音也跟着改变,悠扬婉转。
- Summer is the hottest season of the year. 夏天是一年里最热的季节。
- Over the years my medicine intake has been reduced by the doctor, so I don't suffer from the side effects anymore-lethargy, memory loss, confusion, etc. 这些年来,医生减少了我服药的剂量,因而我不再饱受嗜睡、失忆及思维混乱等症状之苦。
- The song was pitched too low for my voice. 这首歌起调太低,不适合我的嗓音。
- He get a tax rebate at the end of the year. 他在年底得到了一笔退回的税款。
- Finally he recognized my voice on the phone. 他终于在电话上听出了我的声音。
- This plant has green leaves throughout the year. 这种植物终年常青。
- He recognized my voice on the phone. 他在电话里听出了我的声音。