- Theileria hirci [医] 羊泰累尔氏梨浆虫
- It was suggested that lung and kidney could be parasitized by schizont of Theileria sp. 就家畜泰勒虫而言,在肺脏和肾脏中观察到裂殖体尚属首次。
- Taken together these results indicated that H. qinghaiensis ticks may be infected with two different Theileria species. 这一试验结果证明了羊泰勒虫不能经卵传递,传播方式为阶段性传播。
- These two species were named Theileria luwenshuni and Theileria uilenbergi respectively. 将这两种初步命名为吕氏泰勒虫和尤氏泰勒虫。
- One was based on 18S rRNA sequence of the Chinese isolates, and the other was based on Chinese isolates and other species of Theileria available in Genbank. 以我国虫株序列建立的进化发生树上,发现由青海血蜱传播的能感染牦牛的泰勒虫为中华泰勒虫。
- Theileria spp. 羊泰勒虫
- Adult H. qinghaiensis ticks from Zhanjiachuan area, where ovine theileriosis is prevalent but where no yaks are raised, transmitted Theileria parasites to sheep and goats, but not to yaks. 当青海血蜱若蜱在带虫羊体饱血时,其蜕变而来的成蜱饲喂在试验羊体时,试验羊感染了羊的泰勒虫。
- Adult H. qinghaiensis ticks from Gannan area, where ovine theileriosis was prevalent but bovine theileriosis has not been reported, transmitted Theileria parasites to yaks and sheep. 小亚璃眼蜱不是羊的泰勒虫传播媒介:在试验室培育的干净青海血蜱,进行了羊的泰勒虫传播方式的研究。
- bovine theileria annulata vaccine 牛焦虫苗
- Suspicion of Theileria annulata Infection in a Dairy Cow Post Calving 乳牛产后发生疑似环形泰勒焦虫病
- Preparation of Theileria annulata sporozoite particles and its infectivity for cattle 环形泰勒虫子孢子悬液的制备及其对黄牛的感染试验
- Analysis of genetic stability of lymph-like cells parasited with Theileria annulata schizont 寄生环形泰勒虫裂殖体的淋巴样细胞遗传稳定性分析
- Diagnosis of bovine theileriasis resulted from Theileria sergenti by indirect fluorescent antibody technique 间接荧光抗体试验对牛瑟氏泰勒虫病的诊断
- Isolation and morphology of Theileria spp. In Sheep and Goats in the South of Gansu province 甘南地区羊泰勒虫的分离与形态学观察
- hirci 腋毛
- barbula hirci 腋毛, 耳毛
- 7.Differentiation and detection of Theileria luwenshuni and Theileria uilenbergi infection in small ruminants by PCR. 七.;建立了区分及检测吕氏泰勒虫和尤氏泰勒虫的PCR技术。
- 2.H.qinghaiensis ticks transmit at least two different Theileria species. one was infective to yaks, one was infective to sheep. 三.;利用人工感染试验,确定青海血蜱传播羊的泰勒虫方式为阶段性传播,不能经卵传递;
- theileria 泰累尔犁浆虫属,泰来虫属
- Theileria annulata [医] 环状泰累尔氏梨浆虫