- There were some abnormal logical contradiction and theoretical mistakes on the naming and classifying the variant sonata form and rondo type in The Forms of Instrumental Music by Weiner Leo. 魏纳的《器乐曲式学》在关于奏鸣曲式变体及回旋曲式类型等命名与分类上 ,存在反常的逻辑矛盾与理论失误。
- It is the greatest theoretical mistake for some critics studying Kang Youwei to identify him as a reformist and animadvert upon the great man for so long. 把康有为定性为“改良主义者”并长期进行批判,是康有为研究领域最大的理论误区;
- It is time that you reflected upon your mistakes. 该是你反省思过的时候了。
- It's no use brooding over one's past mistakes. 老是抱着过去的错误是没用的。
- Let's not dwell on your past mistakes. 我们不要再细说你过去的错误了。
- He is blind to his own mistakes. 他看不见自己的错误。
- He made many ludicrous mistakes in his speech. 他的演讲中有许多可笑的错误。
- She has a genius for finding mistakes in my work. 她有一种从我的工作中找错误的本领。
- We all made mistakes with carelessness. 我们都因粗心犯了错误。
- He ranted (on) at me about my mistakes. 他大声数落我。
- We're all liable to make mistakes when we're tired. 人若疲劳谁都可能出差错。
- You make mistakes if you do things in a hurry. 如果你匆匆忙忙地做事,那你就要出差错。
- It doesn't help to brood on your mistakes. 对所犯的错误耿耿於怀是无济於事的。
- The best of us can make mistakes. 我们中最好的人也会犯错误。
- Don't lose your wool if I make a few mistakes. 要是我出了一些错你可别生气。
- He reflected on his past mistakes. 他反省过去的错误。
- Everyone may make mistakes at times. 每个人不时都会犯错误。
- He learned to profit by his mistakes. 他学会了从自己的错误中获益。
- Even the best of us make mistakes. 即便是最能干的人也会出错。
- It's a theoretical possibility, but I don't suppose it will happen. 这是一种理论上的可能性,但我认为这种情况不会发生。