- Don't despair of finding a job. There is always a way out. 一时找不到工作,无需垂头丧气,天无绝人之路。
- There is always something haunting you. Find a way out then nothing. 当你的渴望到达至极点,你的渴望也变得不再有意义。
- There is always a vast chasm between rich and poor. 贫富的鸿沟始终存在。
- Where there is a difficulty,there is a way out. 哪里有困难,哪里就有解决困难的办法。
- Where there is a difficulty, there is a way out. 哪里有困难,哪里就有解决困难的办法。
- But there is a way out of loneliness. 但有一种方法却能逃离寂寞。
- There is always a standing gag in his company. 他的连队里一直流传着一句老笑话。
- We are always alone. But there is a way out of loneliness. 我们一直都是孤独的,但是有种能逃离寂寞的方法。
- There is always a manager on the premises. 事务所里总有一名主管人员.
- In fairy tales, there is always a palace. 童话故事里总有一座宫殿。
- There is always a touch of scorn in her voice. 她的声音里总有一些嘲笑的意味。
- There is always a brighter side to things. 事情总有光明的一面。
- There is always a certain slope in a ship's deck. 船的甲板总有几分倾斜。
- There is always a parking lot by a shopping centre. 在购物中心旁常有停车场。
- There is always a place for you at our table. 请你随时来吃便饭。
- There is always a shortage of electric power here. 我们这儿一直缺电。
- There is always a smile of contentment on her face. 她脸上总是挂着心满意足的微笑。
- There is always a bad apple in every batch. 到哪儿都会有害群之马。
- There is a way out of the castle by a secret door in the wall. 墙上有一个暗门是这座城堡的出口。
- There is always a troublemaker in every class! 每个班都总有个捣蛋鬼。