- This can scarcely be true. 事实决不会是这样的。
- This can scarcely be true 事实决不会是这样的。
- Other people believe that this can not be true. 其他一些人则认为这是不可能的。
- The significance of these papyri finds can scarcely be over-exaggerated. 发现这些蒲草纸的重要性怎么夸张都难说过分。
- In many respects this can be true for canned meat rather than canned fish. 对于罐装肉来说的确如此,但是对于罐装鱼来说却不尽然。
- His version of events, while professional and well informed, can scarcely be taken at face value. 他对一些事件的叙述,既内行,又熟悉情况,我们不能从表面价值去理解它。
- I have passed a wretched night in endeavouring to excuse a conduct which can scarcely be called less than insulting. 我痛苦地度过了一整夜,力求找到一种理由,来解释你那种几乎可以叫做污辱的行为。
- It can scarcely be expected that the eager and young should hold the opinions of the cool and middle-aged. 不可能希望热切的年轻人应当同冷静的中年人抱有一样的看法。
- Small debts are like small shot; they are rattling on every side, and can scarcely be escaped without a wound. 小额债务就像小子弹扫射,从四面八方擦身而过,人们很难毫发无损地逃离险境。
- What might have followed if the child had been homely, misshapen, peevish, or all three, can scarcely be conjectured. 假如这孩子是土头土脑的,相貌难看的,脾气乖张的,或者是三样都具备的,那末当时的结果如何就不容易推测了。
- They are made from a variety of materials, such as wax and glass, so skillfully that they can scarcely be distinguished from natural flowers. 人造花卉是由不同材料,如石蜡、玻璃等,精工制作而成,加工之精致使人很难将它们与自然花卉相区别。
- Small debts are like small shot; they are rattling on every side, and can scarcely be escaped without a wound. Great debts are like cannon; of loud noise, but little danger. 小额债务就像小子弹扫射,从四面八方擦身而过,人们很难毫发无损地逃离险境。大额债务就像炮轰,声音很大,但危险很小。
- Out of the blue, can this be true? 这样突如其来地,是真实的吗?
- You're not weak, Harry. The Dementors affect you most, because there are true horrors in your past. Horrors your classmates can scarcely imagine. You have nothing to be ashamed of. 你并不是软弱的,哈利。摄魂怪对你影响最大,是因为你曾经经历过真正的恐怖,你那些同学几乎无法想象。你没必要觉得羞耻。
- But this cannot be the true explanation. 但这并不是正确的解释。
- Surly, this cannot be the true reality of things! 的确地,这分析不能是现实!
- You can scarcely expect to escape reproof for such irresponsible behavior. 你这样不负责任的行为,不能不受到责备。
- Some have suggested that the hormones are all growth regulators, but Rosen’s work on rat brains indicates that this cannot be true. 某些学者指出肽激素是生长调节剂,但罗森对老鼠大脑所作的实验表明事实并非如此。
- Experiments prove this relationship to be true. 实验证明这种关系是正确的。
- Small debts are like small shot; they are rattling on everyside,and can scarcely be escaped without a wound. Great debts arelikecannon; of loud noise, but little danger. 小额债务就像小子弹扫射,从四面八方擦身而过,人们很难毫发无损地逃离险境。大额债务就像炮轰,声音很大,但危险很小。