- Based on the studies of terraces and peneplains of the Changjiang three Gorge area,it is confirmed that the tectonic movement in this area is characterized by the slow uplift as a whole since the Neogene period. 根据长江三峡地区的阶地和夷平面的调查研究,该地区自新第三纪以来,构造运动具有缓慢抬升的特点。
- The characters of dialectal accent in the Three Gorges area are summarized in this paper. 摘要归纳了三峡库区方言发音的特点,分析了库区方音对学生英语学习的不良影响。
- The dialectal accent in the Three Gorges area has bad effect on students' acquisition of English. 要帮助学生克服方言发音对英语学习的不良影响,一方面教学中必须加强语音教学,注意语音语调的训练;
- Tea riddle in Three Gorges area is one of the important parts in Three Gorges tea culture, which contains tea riddles and riddle songs. 摘要三峡茶谜是三峡茶文化的重要组成部分,它包括有关茶的谜语和谜歌两部分内容。
- Methods The standard disinfection and vector control practises issued by China CDC, to analysis the data of zoonosis in Three Gorges area. 方法依据长江三峡库底卫生清理技术规范,统计分析库区内人畜共患病发病情况。
- Women belong to special disadvantaged group among Three Gorges Area emigrants.Their special rights are human rights, but not privileges. 摘要妇女是三峡移民中特殊的弱势群体,三峡移民妇女的特殊权益就是人权,而不是特权。
- In ancient China, the Three Gorges area rich in well salt became an area inhabited by the minority descendents of Linjun and Panhu and the Han people. 盛产井盐的长江三峡地区,在东汉及至南北朝时期,已逐渐成为廪君、瓠后裔与汉人交相杂居的地带。
- The summary of Fuling Sewage Treatment Works in the Three Gorges area and its characteristics and principles of division point inflow inversion A2/O technique are introduced. 介绍了三峡库区涪陵污水处理厂的概况及采用的分点进水倒置A2/O工艺的特点和原理。
- Three Gorges area river system fractal dimension value D=1.7239, which indicate that the geomorphy of Three Gorges area is on the mature stage, and river system growth completely. 三峡地区水系分维值D=1.;7239,表明三峡地区地貌处于侵蚀发育的壮年期,河网较发育,水系发育的较为完全。
- The culture of the Three Gorges area involves such three aspects as time sequence, spatial divergence and category disparity which interact with each other to form a complex system. 三峡文化包括时间、空间、类别三个序列,三个序列交互作用,形成浩瀚庞杂的结构体系。
- This paper analyzes the historic struggle of the minorides and the malpractice of the salt policy in different dynasties, and then discusses the innate relationship between the struggle and the salt industry in the Three Gorges area. 本文拟从廪君、瓠后裔不断奋起反抗的斗争史实,和当时各封建王朝所行盐政之弊端两个方面入手,以探寻廪君、瓠后裔的反抗斗争与三峡盐业之间的内在联系。
- Traffic conditions: Dajiu lake in the west of Shennongjia, the west and the Three Gorges area on the Daning 50 km south Shennongxi rafting, scenic west Shennong top ten kilometers. 交通条件:大九湖位于神农架西部,北连小三峡景区50公里,南接神农溪漂流区,东依神农顶风景区10公里,西连武当山。
- LI Tie-feng. 2001.Evolution modes of slopes and effects of reservoir water on slope stability in the Three Gorges area of the Yangtze Rives [D].Ph D thesis.Peking University, Beijing (in Chinese). 李铁锋.;2001
- Similar Single-Difference Methodology and Results Analysis for Slop Objects Deformation Monitoring in Three Gorge Area 三峡库区滑坡体变形监测的似单差方法与结果分析
- Construct the free port of Wangzhou inland river and promote the economic and society development of Three Gorge area 构建万州内河自由港,促进三峡地区经济社会跨越式发展
- Realizing the optimization of economic structure of Hubei province's three gorge area and construct China's "middle special zone" 实现湖北三峡区域经济结构优化,构建中国"中部特区"
- There is a mass of suspended sediment in the Three Gorge Reservoir. 三峡库区含沙量大,泥沙对水环境的影响不容忽视。
- Geomorphy Evolution Simulation of Three Gorges Area 三峡地区地貌演化模拟
- The Study on Qin and Han Tombs in Three Gorges Area 三峡地区秦汉墓研究