- Three Phases Current Balance 三相电流平衡
- Furthermore, the novel field-orientated control algorithm was achieved by generating phase current references in the three phase stationary frame. 在此基础上,给出一种直接在三相静止坐标系中产生相电流命令的磁场定向控制算法。
- First, we substitute linear Hall sensor signal for general FOC which can directly produce various phase current commands in three phase stationary frames. 霍尔元件讯号由查表的机制可计算得到马达转子位置,进而能得到转速讯号,以达到速度控制的目的。
- The interaction between three phase currents, using magnetro-resistive sensor as current detetor, is sdudied and the methods to solve this problem are demonstrated in the paper. 分析了磁阻传感器在三相电流检测时三相电流产生的磁感强度相互影响的问题,并简要地阐述了几种解决方案。
- Study of Space Vector Modulation for Three Phase Current Rectifier 三相电流型整流器的空间矢量调制技术研究
- Cause Analysis and Fault Measures of Three Phase Current Unbalance at GIS in Jiangling Convert Station 江陵换流站GIS串内三相电流不平衡的原因分析及故障处理
- OK, your current balance is 4, 005. 96 US dollars. 您现在的余额是4005.;96美元。
- Influence Created by Unsymmetrical Three phase current of Hydraulic Turbine Generator Stator 水轮发电机定子三相电流不对称产生的影响
- Minsky divided the process into three phases. 明斯基将该过程划分为三阶段。
- Is the stator three phase line voltage the same? And is it current zero? 定子三相电压是否相等?其电流是否为零?
- Eventing is an equestrian sport consisting of three phases. 综合全能马术赛,包括三个阶段,第一,越野比赛。
- Will be conducted in three phases aquaculture breeding project. 公司将分三期进行养殖繁育工程建设。
- Steam, water and ice constitute the three phases of one substance. 水蒸汽、水和冰是同一物质的气体、液体、固体三个相态。
- When dete rmine whether the three phases are in balance, directly measuring phase residual voltages to ground is proved to be inaccurate. 通过测量各相对地的残压来判定发电机三相是否对称的方法是不准确的。
- The current balance is held by the passbook, which also keeps a record of the transactions on the account. 当前余额由存折保存,并且存折还保存着该帐户交易的记录。
- unbalanced three phase current 不平衡三相电流
- And most political experts believe changing the current balance of power in the Senate would be even more difficult. 而且大多数政治家相信要想改变目前参议院的权力平衡将会变的更难。
- three phase current 三相电流,三相交流
- The subject of this thesis is to design a CCFL full-bridge inverter with inductor current balance circuit. 本论文的目标为研制一台以全桥架构搭配电感均流电路的冷阴极灯管驱动电源。
- Note 1 Single display the three phase total active power. 注1:单屏显示三相总有功功率。