- Tibetan Autonomy of Gannan 甘南藏族自治州
- Tibetan regions are part and parcel of the autonomy of national regionality. 藏族地区是我国民族区域自治地方的重要组成部分。
- Laburang lamasery, located in Xiahe County of Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, is one of the six largest lamaserties of yellow hat sect in china. 拉卜楞寺位于甘肃省藏族自治州夏河县,是我国喇嘛教格鲁派六大宗主寺之一,其规模仅次于拉萨的布达拉宫。
- He has said that unless a suitable deal on Tibetan autonomy is struck with China, he will likely be reincarnated outside China. 他说,除非和中国政府就西藏自治问题达成一个令人满意的协议,否则他可能在中国境外转世。
- If that meeting takes place, the Dalai Lama can argue that his cause of Tibetan autonomy has not been sacrificed to realpolitik. 如果此次会面得以成行,达赖喇嘛就可以宣称,美国没有因为现实政治而牺牲达赖喇嘛的西藏自治事业。
- Laburang lamasery,located in Xiahe County of Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture,is one of the six largest lamaserties of yellow hat sect in china. 拉卜楞寺位于甘肃省藏族自治州夏河县,是我国喇嘛教格鲁派六大宗主寺之一,其规模仅次于拉萨的布达拉宫。
- A Federal MP who spoke at a rally for greater Tibetan autonomy thismorning says he was not deterred by a request from the Chinese not toattend the event. 一名在集会上支持西藏拥有更大自主权的联邦议员今天早上说中国的请求制止不了他参加这个集会。工党麦克丹比收到来自中国驻澳外交官的信件,要求他不要出席这个集会。
- After the violence, police of the Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Gannan, which is superior to Zho'nyin County, issued a circular urging the criminal suspects to surrender. 暴动之后,中银县的上级警署橄南西藏自治区公安局发出了一个文件呼吁犯罪嫌犯自首。
- These mutual right of inheritance strengthened the autonomy of the gens. 这些相互继承遗产的权利加强了氏族的自决权。
- And there was often tension between the autocratic power of the monarch and the internal autonomy of the city. 而且,在君主专制和城市自治之间,经常出现紧张的局面。
- The paper describes primarily the toponym of directions, toponym of quantity and variety toponym in the region of Gannan Hakka. and try to investigate their etymology. 本文主要描述分析赣南客家的方位地名、数量地名、变化地名的特征,并试图探求赣地客家地名的语源。
- They are the cornerstone in safeguarding the autonomy of the national sports associations and assuring the quality of the delivery of sport and recreation in Hong Kong. 他们义务参与会务,致力维护体育总会的自主权,并为本港不断提供质素优良的体育与康乐活动。
- Execute apanage management, unit autonomy of responsible, dweller, community serves mode. 实行属地治理、单位负责、居民自治、社区服务模式。
- The rising of autonomy of the will related with BRIT in Christianism and developed by Canon law. 在理论上,意思自治的兴起与教会的盟约思想相关,并经教会法而发展。
- This field is to be corner-stoned on nonidentity, with the autonomy of literary criticism as its common belief. 一个理想的文学批评场域应该基于非同一性基础上,以文学批评自主性作为共同遵守的信念。
- This of course depends on the autonomy of people living in a setting and their history. 这当然要依赖于居住在这一环境中的人们的自治,也依赖于他们的历史。
- Baaing on such the ones autonomy of the will establish the freedom character of contract law. 从心理学证明意思自治的可能。奠定合同法自由性格的意思自治在此基础上获得了证立。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?
- It focuses on the fundamentality of the academic corporation in the autonomy of the American colleges and universities. 它是本文研究美国大学自治制度历史变迁的主要线索。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。