- Tibetan Buddhists turn the wheels with their right hand. 藏传佛教信徒们用右手转动经轮。
- Tibetan Buddhists believe in reincarnation, although not in the sense of an irreducible self passing from body to body. 藏传佛教相信转世,然而并非一个不灭的自我从一个身体转到另一个身体。
- They should have had their own religion before.Are they all Tibetan Buddhists?Jianlin: In the past it was Shamanism. 因为现在物质追求越来越强烈,生活环境的改变,生活条件的改善,这是正常的。
- We take this time to remember the millions of Tibetan Buddhists in Tibet, Qinghai,Gansu, Sichuan, and Inner Mongolia. 让我们为西藏、青海、甘肃、四川和内蒙千千万万藏传佛教徒的救恩代祷。
- A cylinder containing or inscribed with prayers or litanies that is revolved on its axis in devotions, especially by Tibetan Buddhists. 转经轮,祈祷轮尤指西藏佛教徒所用的滚筒,含有或刻有祈祷文或连祷文,祷告时可绕其轴旋转。
- Hundreds of religous Tibetan Buddhists praying on Potala Palace Square, which is the major part of life for a quite number among them. 众多虔诚的信徒在布达拉宫广场上跪拜,他们中的有些人把这当成了生活的全部内容。
- In recent years, the CCP has also escalated the level of brutality and cruelty of its persecution toward Tibetan Buddhists. 最近几年,中共对西藏宗教信仰的血腥镇压的残暴程度呈增势。
- The "Chamo"and "Chagma"in Tibet and Mongolia nationalities are a kind of temple dance of the Tibetan Buddhists, which help propagate religion and entertain both man and deities. 藏族、蒙古族名为"羌姆"、与"查玛"的面具舞蹈,是藏传佛教(喇嘛教)的寺庙舞蹈形式(俗称:跳神),它有弘扬宗教的含义,又是悦神、娱人的盛大乐舞活动,
- The upper body stretches out and the arms bands slightly, wearing Tibetan Buddhists cloth, seated with the right hand gesturing Teaching, and the left gesturing Meditation. 身着袒右肩袈裟,衣纹刻划流畅自然。全跏趺坐。右手当胸结说法印,左手结禅定印。台座莲瓣挺拔饱满,工艺细致考究,且保留了原封底。
- A practice text entitled "In Praise of the 21 Taras", is recited during the morning in all four sects of Tibetan Buddhism.Some Tibetan Buddhists practice a mantra meditation called Tara Practice. 一个实践文本题目就叫做“赞扬二十一位度母”,是藏传佛教四个教派的早上必须背诵的文本。
- Issuing a statement while traveling in New Delhi, India, the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhists called on China "to exercise wisdom and to initiate a meaningful dialogue with the Tibetan people. 达赖在印度的新德里期间发布了一项声明。作为西藏佛教徒精神领袖的达赖,呼吁中国“要有智慧并应首先采取行动主动与西藏人民进行和平对话”。
- The Tibetan Buddhists believe: the more “Mani” being read, the more devotion expressed toward the Buddha, which also serves to bring along peace and happiness and to accumulate immense blessing. 藏传佛教认为,持颂”六字真言”越多,越表对佛的虔诚,可带来平安喜乐、并能累积无量的功德。
- Tibetan Buddhism stands high in Tibetan culture. 藏传佛教在藏文化中占有崇训的地位。
- She's a convinced Marxist, Buddhist, etc. 她是坚定的马克思主义者、 佛教徒等。
- They believe in Tibetan Buddhism or polytheism. 人们信仰藏传佛教(喇嘛教)或崇奉多神。
- Some Buddhist monks live in solitude as hermits. 有些和尚在僻静处隐居。
- Buddhist priests shave their heads. 和尚都剃光头。
- There is a Buddhist temple in this town. 在这个镇上有一座佛教寺庙。
- Lhasa is a sacred place of TiBetan Buddhism. 拉萨是西藏佛教的圣地。
- Buddhists call it the 'Buddhist Country of Lotus Flowers rs. 佛教徒称之为莲花佛国。