- A Study on Plant Diversity and Biomass of Managed Meadows in the Tibetan Region, NW Yunnan, China. 滇西北藏区不同管理利用草地植物多样性和生物量研究
- Vu-lag system is a traffic system which lasted for about hundreds of years in Tibetan region. 乌拉制度是一项在藏区持续了数百年的特殊劳役制度,主要为交通运输服务。
- But back home, in the Tibetan region of Kham, an anti-China resistance had already taken root. 可是在西藏的康区,一场反抗中国政府的抵抗运动已经开始酝酿了。
- In the Tibetan region, local military and administrative organs were set up under the name of the High Pacification Commissioner's Office, which was under the Xuanzheng Yuan. 在西藏地区成立了地方军政机构,名为“宣慰使司都元帅府”,隶属于宣政院。
- Chinese police have confirmed that a bomb blast has damaged a government office in a majority Tibetan region of southwest China. 中国警方证实,中国西南部一个藏人占人口多数的地区发生炸弹爆炸,一处政府建筑受到损坏。
- In the Tibetan region,local military and administrative organs were set up under the name of the High Pacification Commissioner's Office,which was under the Xuanzheng Yuan. 在西藏地区成立了地方军政机构,名为“宣慰使司都元帅府”,隶属于宣政院。
- Picture 20:The Buddhist is really a miraculous place with picturesque sceneries. Especially no rat pests that plague the Tibetan region can be found here. 图20:佛学院的确是个神奇的地方,风景优美,最特别的是这里根本看不到藏区非常严重的鼠害。
- Tibetan regions are part and parcel of the autonomy of national regionality. 藏族地区是我国民族区域自治地方的重要组成部分。
- Before the mid-seventh century when Lhasa, later a central town of Tibetan region, was yet to come into being, the area called Wotang was a marshy land of wildness, frequented by antelopes. 在7世纪中期,那个时候以后拉萨还没有成为西藏地区中央城市,这个地方称作卧塘,是一片沼泽地,羚羊成群。
- The human rights situation in the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) and in some Tibetan regions outside the TAR also remained poor (see Tibet Addendum). 在西藏自治区和西藏自治区以外的某些藏族地区,人权状况仍然很差(见西藏附录)。
- A mudslide late Friday swept through the village of Heba in Garze, an ethnic Tibetan region of Sichuan province, killing 12 people and injuring 18 others, the Xinhua News Agency said. 据新华社报道,四川省境内的甘孜藏族自治州的河坝村在本周五的泥石流中受到全面冲击,此次泥石流使得12人丧生18人受伤。
- Not only the monks/nuns but also the layman Buddhists are forbidden to kill living beings in the Tibetan regions. 在藏族地区,无论是出家人,还是在家人都禁忌杀生。
- But the national government couldn't finally realize its aim to resolve the problem of Tibetan region, because it's infirm attitude, refusal of the using of force and losing the good chance. 但是,由于国民政府在态度上并不坚决,在方式上排斥使用武力,而且把握不好时机,加之国内外形势的变化,终于没有能够解决西藏地方问题,没有实现自己的目标。
- Not only the monks/ nuns but also the layman Buddhists are forbidden to kill living beings in the Tibetan regions. 在藏族地区,无论是出家人,还是在家人都禁忌杀生。
- The furious tone of the speech may have been in reaction to a new clampdown by China on the Tibetan regions. 这次言论强烈的语调是对中国最近新的一次对藏人区压制的反应。
- In March, they were transferred to Tibetan regions of western Sichuan to pacify antigovernment protesters. 三月份,他们被派遣到四川西部的藏族地区以平息反政府示威;
- In the rugged Tibetan regions of China, where there is widespread resentment at Chinese rule, no reports emerged Tuesday of any large-scale protests. 在中国崎岖的藏族地区充满了对中国规则的怨恨,周二并没有关于任何大规模抗议活动的报道。
- The disturbances on Thursday were the latest sign that the continuing turmoil in Tibetan regions of China has yet to be quelled. 周四的动乱是中国西藏持续动乱始终会被镇压的最后一个标志。
- The state-controlled press is still vilifying the Dalai Lama and the authorities have maintained a tight grip on Tibetan regions. 由国家控制的新闻系统,仍然在指责达赖喇嘛,并且当地权力机构依然对藏区进行着严密的控制。
- There has been a steady parade of demonstrators in Kathmandu since China began a crackdown on anti-Chinese demonstrators in its Tibetan regions two weeks ago. 同样也在周五,警方消息称当局逮捕了32名西藏示威者。其中27名是在联合国大楼前被捕的,另外5个在该市一佛教纪念馆里被捕。