- Tibetan speech of Lassa 藏语拉萨话
- He responded to our speech of welcome. 他对我们的欢迎词做了答词。
- Do you know the part of speech of this word? 你知道这个单词的词性吗?
- He rose unsteadily to his feet to reply to the speech of welcome. 他摇摇晃晃地站起来答谢大家的欢迎辞。
- The common speech of a people; the vernacular. 本国语,不规范语一个民族普通的语言; 地方话
- She gave the customary speech of thanks to the chairman. 她照例向主席致感谢辞。
- However, the speech of the common people prevailed. 最后,还是平民的语言普及了。
- Disease is a speech of the psyche. 疾病是内心世界的表露。
- Speech of extravagant self-praise. 自吹自擂过度自我赞扬演说
- The common speech of a people;the vernacular. 本国语,不规范语一个民族普通的语言;地方话
- He made a marathon speech of six hours. 他作了长达六小时的马拉松演讲。
- The dragon and the speech of the dragon are one. 龙与龙语为一体两面。
- However, the speech of common people prevailed. 最后,还是平民的语言普及了。
- What's the figure of speech of the sentence? 这句话用了什么修辞格?
- She made a speech of welcome at the meeting. 会上,她做了欢迎致辞。
- Commoved by the speech of this rudesby. 因为这个粗野家伙的话而激动。
- The speech of a senior diplomat by eavesdrop. 一位高级外交官的话语被窃听。
- "This is the pedantic speech of typical engineers . 这是普遍的典型的工程师的迂腐之言。
- It is very important that fevers of unknown origin in people coming from these endemic areas beinvestigated for the possibility of Lassa fever. 对来自地方性流行区,出现不明原因发热的人进行检查,确定是否感染拉沙热是很重要的。
- At the dinner, Mr Blank was in his cups when he made his speech and consequently it was the most amusing speech of the evening. 酒席上,布兰克先生喝醉时发表了一番讲话,因此,那天晚上他的讲话最逗人。