- Tight control of blood sugar 血糖的严密控制
- For patients with type 2 diabetes who fail in a satisfactory control of blood sugar level by simple alimentary control or kinesiatrics. 用于单纯饮食控制或运动疗法血糖水平未得到满意控制的2型糖尿病病人。
- A second-line drug for patients with type 2 diabetes who fail in a satisfactory control of blood sugar level after the respective treatment with sulfonylurea or deltamine. 可作为单用磺酰脲类或盐酸二甲双胍治疗,血糖水平未得到满意控制2型糖尿病病人二线用药。
- Results Unsuitable nursing of foot, poorly control of blood sugar level, peripheral nerve lesion, trauma and infection etc. are all the cause that due to diabetic foot. 结果足部护理不周、外伤与感染、血糖控制不良、周围神经病变等是导致糖尿病足的危险因素。
- In conclusion, type2 diabetic patients, with long duration and poor control of blood sugar, have the possibility to associate with bilateral atraumatic tibial osteonecrosis and fracture with poor outcome. 我们的结论为,第2型糖尿病人罹病时间长及血糖控制不良,有可能会导致胫骨生成非创伤性骨头坏死合并骨折。
- Available data on the control of the metabolic state and the main risk factors show that careful adjustment of blood sugar and glycated haemoglobin is more effective in counteracting microvascular damage than in preventing major cardiovascular events. 代谢状态下获取的对照资料及其主要的风险因素表明,比起预防主要心血管事件而言,小心调整血糖和糖基化血红蛋白对于阻碍微血管损害中更有效。
- Diabetes gastroparesis(DGP)is one of the common chronic complications of diabetes,which can seriously affect the absorption of food as well as drugs and the control of blood sugar. 糖尿病性胃轻瘫(DGP)是糖尿病常见的慢性并发症之一,它的发生严重地影响了食物、药物的吸收利用以及血糖的控制。
- Influence and mechanism of a tight control of blood glucose by intensive insulin therapy on human sepsis 胰岛素严格控制血糖对脓毒症患者的影响及其机理的初步探讨
- By stopping glucokinase from doing its job, the gene prevents the body from keeping tight control over its levels of blood glucose. 通过阻断葡萄糖激酶活性,突变的IGRP基因使人体不能对血糖进行严密的调控。
- Which accumulate as a result of high leels of blood sugar. 这正是血糖累积等级的结果。
- The contents of blood sugar and serum TC in the rats fed with diet containing 5% NSP were 68.9% and 75.9% of the control group,respectively. 测定结果:食用含5%25NSP饲料的大鼠,其血糖含量仅为对照的68.9%25;食用含5%25NSP高脂饲料的大鼠,其血清总胆固醇(TC)明显低于对照组,仅为对照组的75.9%25。
- But the recession, combined with falling oil prices and the Federal Reserve's tight control of money and credit, helped to curb runaway inflation. 然而正由于经济衰退,加上石油价格下跌,联邦储备局严格管理资金和信贷,原来已经失控的通货膨胀现象重新得到控制。
- They were triggered by the Federal Reserve's unusually tight control of money and credit. 这两起衰退是由于联邦储备系统特别加紧控制货币和信贷引起的。
- The insulin reduces the level of blood sugar by letting it enter cells. 胰岛素通过促进葡萄糖进入细胞来降低血糖含量。
- But the information prong of Israel's Gaza offensive involves far more than the tight control of press access. 随着进攻的进行,以色列在宣传上也多方出击,远没有封锁媒体这么简单。
- Results:The Kudzu extract could decrease the level of blood sugar,the con... 结论:葛根提取物具有防治糖尿病大鼠肾病的作用。
- Another source of strength was tight control of language and information that deemed most criticism unpatriotic. 力量的另一来源即是他们掌控言语和信息,将大部分批评认作不爱国之举。
- AACE is also recommending combination drug therapy for patients who do not have control of their blood sugar levels. 对于无法自行控制血糖的患者,AACE建议采行合并药物治疗。
- Tight control of hypertension is essential to reduce not only major cardiovascular events but also microvascular complications. 严格控制高血压不仅可减少主要心血管事件也可降低微血管并发症。