- Time and space in physics 物理学中的空间,时间
- The definition of time and space in modern physics 现代物理学中时间和长度的定义和测量
- When you're pressed for time and space in a presentation, a numbered list can be worth a thousand words. 当您的时间紧迫且演示文稿中的空间有限时,可以使用一个编号列表来代替千言万语。
- They tried to portray time and space in a way that is still beautiful, but can seem baffling. 他们用看似莫名,但却美妙的方法描绘时间与空间。
- They are there, in time and space, but I am timeless and spaceless. 它们存在于时空,但我既不属于也不限于时空。
- Time and space in Chinese culture / edited by Chun-chieh Huang and Erik Zurcher. 各位朋友:我给大家介绍一部重要的书,专门讨论中国文化中时空的概念。
- Operation can be expensive in terms of time and space. 操作在时间和空间方面的花费会很大。
- In the creation of a poem, the poet often resorts to the transcendence of time and space in order to produce a beautiful conception. 然而,在具体的诗歌创作中,诗人为了达到诗歌意境的灵动和优美,常常采用对时间和空间意象“跨越”、“变异”和“重建”的处置办法,让时间跨越古今,让空间异变方位。
- Shifts in time and space in film, a comprehensive art in this regard, are of great potential because they contain the profundity of indigenous culture. 摘要电影作为时间与空间的综合艺术,时间的流变和空间的转换在电影中都有着无穷的潜力,且这种流变与转换携带着深厚的本土文化蕴涵。
- Owing to virtuous circle, each creature in the chain can maintain its own quantity and living space in a certain time and space. 正因为是良性循环,因此,在一定时间内,整个生物链的成员们,它们大都能维持其特有的数量以及生存空间。
- Four horror stories occur in sequence connected by time and space. 四个恐怖故事顺序发生,被时间和空间来连接。
- MCMC method can reduce the costs of time and space in data mining, but it is impracticable in massive datasets" computation. MCMC可以减少数据挖掘中的时间和空间开销,但对于巨型数据集,MCMC在计算方面也不切实际。
- Sakyamuni perceived this point and he understood the structure of time and space in their entirety.Or, to put it in the jargon, of today: subjective and objective. 释迦牟尼看到了这一点,也知道了全部时间、空间的排列组合,用今日的术语来说,就是主观与客观。
- The processes of knowing ourselves, the time and space in which we exist, our past, present and future, are inextricably linked to the processes of "remembering" and "forgetting. 我们怎样认识自己,认识存在的时空,认识我们的过去与未来,是建构在摷菙与挦鼣的过程中。
- The philosopher speculated about time and space. 这位哲学家在思索时间和空间问题。
- A cycle which transcends time and space. 在一超越时间空间周期结束时。
- Linked with time and spac e in reality and by using some narrative methods,time and space in modern fictio n gradually forms three patterns:flashback exaggeration,instantaneous reproducti on and zero degree removement. 以时空观念为纽带 ,凭借一定的叙事手段 ,现代小说时空在历时演变中逐渐形成了倒错夸张、瞬间再现、零度消解三种基本模式。
- It just like a travel across the time and space. 行走在洪江古商城,是一次穿越时空的旅行。
- This paper analyzes the distribution of the basalts of the Indo-Chinese epoch in time and space in the eastern Gejiu by means of comprehensive basalts corrlation column and isometric line. 作者应用玄武岩系柱状对比图和内插法作等值线的方法,分析了个旧东区印支期玄武岩的时间和空间分布情况。
- Opening unimagined pathways through time and space. 打开通过时间和空间的未知路径。