- Timur Taimazov 泰马佐夫
- Pasar Rebo,Jakarta Timur 13740 Indonesia. ”这个就是印尼厂家的地址了。
- Did you learn any Russian from director Timur Bekmambetov? 甚麽是你从导演那学会的俄罗斯话?
- Timur was an even bloodier conqueror than Genghis had been. 铁木尔是一位甚至比成吉思汗更为血腥的征服者。
- It was ruled for a while by descendants of Timur, called the Timurid emirs. 例如,在伊斯法罕(伊朗城市),他屠杀了70,000人,所以他用他们的头骨来建塔。
- He was beaten back by the armies of Timur, but regained Tabriz in 1406. 后来卡拉优索福被帖木儿的军队击败,但在1406年重新夺占了大不里士。
- After that, he tried his best to break away from the control of Timur. 之后,脱脱迷失企图摆脱帖木儿的控制,由此,引发了双方的战争。
- Timur was called Timur the Lame--Tamerlane-- from a wound which left him with a permanent limp. 帖木儿又叫跛腿帖木儿,一次负伤给他留下了永久的残废。
- But Timur Nazardinov notes the Russian market has not had any influx of fresh capital for about six months. 可是纳扎尔蒂诺夫注意到,过去六个月来,俄罗斯市场几乎没有获得任何新的海外资本。
- Padahal, lanjut dia, potensi pasar konstruksi di Timur Tengah dan Afrika dalam lima tahun mencapai US$ 1,153 triliun. 周四(1月22日)他在办公室内召开新闻发布会时讲到,实际上在5年内东帝汶和非洲的建设市场潜力将达到11亿5300万美元。
- Though Timur strove to make Samarkand the most splendid city in Asia, he himself preferred to be always on the move. 尽管帖木儿试图使撒马尔罕成为亚洲最壮丽的城市,但是他还是愿意不断地出征作战。
- And to him I will give the morning star. dan kepadanya akan Kukaruniakan bintang timur. 我又要把晨星赐给他。
- Caught in Timur's siege of Damascus in 1400, he negotiated the freedom of civilians before the sack of the city. 在帖木儿掠夺该城之前负责协调释放市民,但1400年被帖木儿捉到大马士革囚禁。
- The Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, in the town of Yasi, now Turkestan, was built at the time of Timur( Tamerlane), from1389 to1405. 霍贾·哈迈德·萨维陵墓,位于突厥斯坦(前称为亚瑟市)建造于帖木儿时期,即公元1389年至1405年。
- This left Persia open to still more conquest at the hands of another conqueror connected with the Mongol Empire: Timur the Lame or Tamerlane. 这使得波斯更加成为另一个蒙古帝国征服者:跛子铁木儿或铁木儿的征服对象。
- The Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, in the town of Yasi, now Turkestan, was built at the time of Timur (Tamerlane), from 1389 to 1405. 霍贾·艾哈迈德·亚萨维陵墓,位于突厥斯坦(以前称为亚瑟市),建造于帖木儿时期,即公元1389年至1405年。
- In Timur Bekmambetov's zazzy action film, she plays Fox, a member of Morgan Freeman's gang of supposedly sanctified assassins. 在这部铁幕尔贝克曼贝托夫的超级动作大片中,她饰演芙珂丝,一名摩根弗里曼带领的神圣暗杀团队中的杀手。
- Toqtamish who was a noble of White Horde utilized the power of Timur and got the Khan's right of the Khanate of Kipchak. 白帐贵族脱脱迷失利用帖木儿势力,取得钦察汗国汗位。
- A descendant of Genghis Khan and Timur, he came from a tribe of Mongol origin but was Turkish in language and upbringing. 他是成吉思汗(Genghis Khan)和帖木儿(Timur)的后裔,虽来自蒙古部落,却是说土耳其语,在土耳其的环境下成长。
- Timur Nazardinov, chief trader at the Troika Dialogue Investment Bank in Moscow says the Georgian conflict accelerated the decline. 此外,俄罗斯中央银行说,在8月8日俄罗斯对格鲁吉亚采取军事行动之后的一个星期内,国家失去了160亿美元的外汇储备。