- To apply a sound scheme 应用声音方案的步骤
- To apply a sound to the object, select the Play sound check box, and then select a sound. 若要将声音应用于对象,请选中“播放声音”复选框,然后选择声音。
- To apply a surface of rock fragments or pebbles to. 用砂砾铺覆以岩石碎片或卵石的表面
- It is advisable to apply a coolant. 建议应用冷却剂。
- To apply a small voltage to(a grid). 向栅极加偏压
- To apply a styling foam to(the hair). (对头发)上摩丝
- I need to apply a letter of credit from your bank. 我想从贵行申请一张信用证。
- To apply a filter that narrows the selection. 应用筛选器以缩小选定范围。
- I would like to apply a Newstart allowance. 我想申请找工作的津贴。
- Control does not allow you to apply a style to the displayed text. 控件不允许对所显示的文本应用样式。
- A release is the most obvious time to apply a label. 一个发布是应用一个标签的相当明显的时机。
- A Sound Scheme is a set of sounds applied to events in Windows and programs. Choose a scheme from the list below. 音响设计是一组应用于Windows和程序中的事件的音响。请从以下列表中选择一个设计。
- If you make changes to the individual sounds in a sound scheme, you can save the changes by saving a new sound scheme. 如果对声音方案中的单个声音进行更改,则可以通过保存新的声音方案来保存更改。
- To change sounds, click a program event in the following list and then select a sound to apply. You can save the changes as a new sound scheme. 要改变声音,请单击下列表中的程序事件然后选择声音。您可将更改保存为新声音方案。
- A sound scheme is a set of sounds applied to events in Windows and programs. You can select an existing scheme or save one you have modified. 声音方案是应用于Windows和程序事件中的一组声音。请选择一个现有方案或保存您已经更改的方案。
- A sound mind is inseparable from a sound body. 健全的精神是与健康的身体是不可分割的。
- In the Background task pane, under Apply a background, click a color from the publication's color scheme that you want to apply to the background. 在“背景”任务窗格中的“应用背景”下,从出版物的配色方案中单击一种要应用于背景的颜色。
- The emergence of corroborative evidence provides a sound basis to understand and even formulate and apply a varnish that may approach an authentic one. 出现了佐证证据提供了良好的基础,以理解,甚至制定和适用的研磨剂可能的做法是真实1 。
- To apply for a job, you must fill out a form. 申请工作要填表。
- Can you imagine three women trying to apply a snake to themselves? 你能想得像出,三个女士试图让蛇咬自己的身体吗?