- To die suffering with disgrace 蒙耻而死
- To mark with disgrace or infamy;stigmatize. 记号指示有脱漏的地方。
- It is better to die when life is disgrace. 宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。
- He watched her suffering with clinical detachment. 他冷漠地看著她遭受的痛苦。
- It is better to die when life were disgrace. 宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。
- It is better to die when life is a disgrace. 宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。
- It's all over with him (ie He is going to die), ' the doctor said gently. `他不行了,'医生轻声地说。
- The outbreak of riot caused many people to die. 暴乱的发生使很多人丧生。
- Immodestly lies martyred with disgrace! 忍辱含垢地藏着,熬受折磨和苦痛!
- I want to die with my bluejeans on. 我死的时候要穿着我的牛仔裤。
- I want to die with my hubby now. 我而家就要同我发现公一齐死。
- Suffering with truth decay? Brush up on your Bible. 心中的真理被蛀蚀了吗?用你的圣经刷掉吧。
- Does everyone have the right to choose between being kept alive by heart and breathing machines, and being allowed to die with dignity? 是否每个人都有权选择靠心脏起搏器和呼吸机来延续生命或是任其体面的死去。
- The hijacker said he preferred to die with his shoes on. 那劫匪说他宁可死于刀枪之下。
- How could I leave him to suffer with a strange family? 我怎么忍心让他到一家陌生人家去受苦呢?
- My accusers will be clothed with disgrace and wrapped in shame as in a cloak. 29愿我的对头,披戴羞辱。愿他们以自己的羞愧为外袍遮身。
- The old man says that he intends to die in harness. 那老人说他打算工作到死。
- The hijacker said he preferred to die at weapons. 那劫匪说他宁可死于刀枪之下。
- I prefer to die rather than to become a traitor. 我宁死不做卖国贼。
- For example, people with asthma would suffer with attacks due to the pollution. 比如,污染会增加哮喘病患者的发病次数;