- To evade by making excuses 托以他辞
- It's no good; you can't get round the issue by making excuses. 这样是没有用的; 你不能制造借口回避这个问题。
- But it is not good to escape from problems by giving up or by make excuses for failures. 但是,试图通过放弃或者为失败制造借口而逃避问题,这都不是明智之举。
- It's up to you who make excuses and stop going now. 找个借口裹足不前那也随你的便。
- He's always making excuses for being late. 他迟到总是有藉口。
- People crushed by laws, have no hope but to evade power. 那些被法律挤压的人们,怀有的唯一希望就是躲开权力。
- He thought to himself that he could get richer by making them work harder. 他心中盘算着,如果叫他们更卖力地干,他就可以发更大的财。
- Do not make excuses unless you have to. 除非逼不得已,不要乱找借口。
- He tried to evade the embarrassing question. 他企图回避这令人难堪的问题。
- He tried to get on by making up to the boss. 他靠逢迎上司设法往上爬。
- To solicit tributes by making excuses 责课苛求
- He tried once again to evade the peace terms. 他再一次努力回避和约条款。
- Their schemes to evade taxes were very crafty. 他们逃税的计谋非常狡猾。
- It is not the way to educate a child by making him do things against his will. 勉强他做事不是教育孩子的办法。
- To evade a responsibility or obligation. 逃避责任或义务.
- It is useless your trying to evade the question. 你用不着环顾左右而言他。
- Some tried to get on by making up to the boss. 有些人靠拍上司马屁往上爬。
- He made excuses to linger on the stairs. 他找借口故意在楼梯口上磨磨蹭蹭。
- U.S. ships sought to evade this rule. 美国船企图规避这一规则。
- Did you need to spoil it by making me nauseous? 难道你真有必要倒我的胃口吗?