- She was intended to play a leading role in the growing might of Sweden. 目的是要让它在不断增长的瑞典威力中起主要作用。
- We, as the Government, will continue to play a leading role in creating an environment that is conducive to this. 作为政府,我们会继续担当重要角色,创造有利这种联系和合作的环境。
- We,as the government,will continue to play a leading role in creating an environment that is conducive to this. 作为政府,我们会继续担当重要角色,创造有利这种联系和合作的环境。
- Imported logistics personnel will continue to play a lead role in the foreseeable future. 在可预见的的将来,国外物流人员仍将起到先导的作用。
- U.S. Trade Representative Susan Schwab says the proposal reflects a promise made by Washington to play a leading role in getting a trade deal done. 美国贸易代表施瓦布说,美国的提议说明华盛顿希望履行在多哈回合发挥带头作用的承诺。
- Informed sources said that Ernst &Young in the lobbying efforts to play a lead role. 知情人士称,安永会计师事务所在此次游说努力中扮演了一个牵头的作用。
- Why shouldn't she play a leading role? 为什么她不该扮演主角呢?
- Finally, me, Amira, I am really in tears, with so much gratitude, an infinate amount of gratitude for this time here and the chance to play a leading role in the proliferation of Oneness. 最后我本人在泪水中怀著感激的心,感恩能在这块土地上有这个机会来带领推动合一运动。
- He played a leading role in solving the problem. 他在解决这个问题方面起了主要作用。
- Local Records: How to play a Leading Role in Building"Network China" 地方志怎样在建立"数字中国"中起主导作用
- The methods play a leading role in the studies of solving nonlinear equations. 此迭代法对解非线性方程组有极其重要的意义。
- Back in Nigeria we used to play a lot of tennis. 我们以前在尼日利亚经常打网球。
- Nanning: To Play a Leading Role and Promote the Establishment of "Two Economic Corridors and One Economic Circle" 南宁市应发挥积极的主导作用推进"两廊一圈"建设
- The local priest played a leading role in settling the dispute. 当地的牧师在解决纠纷中起着十分重要的作用。
- Government of India to Play a Lead Role in the United Nations Initiatives for Bridging the Digital Divide 印度政府在联合国发起弥合数字鸿沟行动中发挥了领导作用
- Germany is playing a leading role on the international stage. 德国在国际政治舞台上起着主导作用。
- She played a leading role in getting the business started. 启动这一事业她起了主要作用。
- He was invited to play a role in this TV play. 他被邀请在这个电视剧里扮演一个角色。
- The economy plays a leading role in the rise in crime. 经济状况对犯罪率增长起了主导作用。
- Woman used to play a passive role in a marriage. 妇女过去在婚姻中常常扮演顺从被动的角色。被动语态的。