- They tried to put the blame on him. 他们力图将责任推在他身上。
- It's natural to recriminate against someone who has tried to put the blame on you. 对企图加罪于你的人进行反责,这是很正常的。
- Sally is a buck- passer, she is always looking for someone else to put the blame on. 莎丽是一个爱推卸责任的人,她总是找机会把责任转嫁到别人身上。
- Why are you trying to put the blame on me? 你为什么总想把责任推到我身上呢?
- Some people like to put the blame on the industrial revolutions. 有些人总爱把这归咎于工业革命。
- Xizor's agents were easily able to put the blame on Jabba the Hutt. 西佐的代理人轻而易举的把这一切归咎于贾巴。
- The victors of wars always make sure to put the blame on the losers. 战争的胜利者经常把责任推到失败者头上。
- Sally is a buck-passer,she is always looking for someone else to put the blame on. 莎丽是一个爱推卸责任的人,她总是找机会把责任转嫁到别人身上。
- Sally is a buck - passer,she is always looking for someone else to put the blame on. 莎丽是一个爱推卸责任的人,她总是找机会把责任转嫁到别人身上。
- Before Japan was defeated, the trick of the Japanese emperor governments was to put the blame on Chinese else. 日本战败投降前,日本天皇政府推卸发动侵略战争责任的手法是贼喊捉贼,栽赃陷害,嫁祸于人。
- To put the blame for; attribute or impute. 归咎于;归因于;归罪于.
- Don't say it's my fault. Don't put the blame on me. 这可不能怨我,我是清白的。
- She'll put the blame on us if it turns out badly. 如果结果不好,她会怪我们。
- I'm afraid he will put the blame on me for this. 我担心他会把这事怪在我头上。
- Sally is a buck - passer.she is always looking for someone else to put the blame on. 莎丽是一个爱推卸责任的人.;她总是找机会把责任转嫁到别人身上
- After a tiff with Xiubin, Aili plans to put the blame on her by lying to everyone that she has suffered a miscarriage. 假怀孕的艾莉,于是借此机会把罪推给秀彬,一回家后便向大家宣布肚子里的孩子已经没了。
- But Yao Ming lets Heuss be supposed today to put the blame on oneself on scenery in the bodily condition adjustment, his truly also need more competitions seek for the feeling. 对凯尔特人时,他与皮尔斯的斗法很令人过瘾,但是如果每场比赛他都将一腔热情倾洒在这件事上,那么阿德尔曼将发现:水火交融与烈焰冲天究竟有着怎样的差别。
- They tried to put the blame onto me. 他们试图将责任推卸到我身上。
- I suspect that if the Rockets are unsuccessful next year (no second round), many here will continue to put the blame on JVG: "It's JVG's fault we don't have the right players here. 我怀疑到明年火箭还是没用突破第一轮的话,是不是有人继续指责范甘迪,说这是范的错,我们没有合适的队员。