- To bar an equity or a right to redeem a mortgage. 取消赎回抵押品的权利
- To bar an equity or a right to redeem(a mortgage). 撤消收回(抵押物)的权利
- To redeem a mortgage 赎回抵押品
- The excellent acting wasn't enough to redeem a weak plot. 精彩的表演不足以掩盖情节的拙劣。
- It pays to shop around when you are planning to ask for a mortgage. 当你正打算申请抵押货款时,应多方参考,比较,这样做是值得的。
- to bar an equity or a right to redeem(a mortgage) 撤消收回(抵押物)的权利
- A budger surplus may be used to redeem state debt. 预算盈余可用于偿还国债。
- More recently it declined to redeem a $1.5 billion security at the first possible date, underscoring its need to preserve capital. 最近该集团拒绝在最初的可能到期日赎回价值15亿美元的债券,强调其需要保有资本。
- Here's a chance to redeem yourself. 这是你将功赎罪的机会。
- How much will it cost to redeem my watch from pawn? 从当铺将我的表赎回来要多少钱?
- It's difficult to get a mortgage on an old house. 以旧房作抵押很难获准。
- In a bid to redeem a body which sceptics had called irredeemable, it announced its intention to seek one of the 47 seats on the United Nations Human Rights Council. 为了挽回一个怀疑者认为已经无可救药的机构,奥巴马政府宣布了美国将在联合国人权理事会的47个席位中争取寻求一个席位的意图。
- The bank foreclosed a mortgage on the property. 银行取消了抵押人的财产赎回权。
- Having limitless knowledge and sovereign power, God has graciously purposed from eternity to redeem a people for Himself and to make all things new for His own glory. 祂拥有无穷的知识,和至高的能力,上帝从亘古就有仁厚的目的,定意要因祂自己救赎世人,并因自己的荣耀把万物更新。
- A budget surplus may be used to redeem state debt. 预算盈余可用于偿还国债。
- We'd like to discuss a mortgage. 我们想请教一下贷款的事。
- And we'd like to find out about a mortgage. 我们想知道如何贷款。
- During our promotion, for any CTDS VIP or Pink Panther cardholders with 50 points or more collected, shoppers are eligible to redeem a free hour Karaoke voucher at the “Holiday” SBM store! 活动期间,凭正大百货贵宾卡或粉红豹联名卡内50积分即可兑换好乐迪正大店60分钟欢唱券一张,限量200张。
- From April 2, every purchase of cosmetic products (Artistry/EFNY) worth BV$150 entitles you to redeem a ticket, with a minimum first purchase of BV$300 entitling you to two tickets. 由4月2日起,凡购买美容产品(雅姿/EFNY)满BV%24150即送门券乙/1张,最少由BV%24300起开始计算,即BV%24300可换领门券2张,如此类推。
- We redeem a promise by doing what we said we would. 我们怎么说就怎么做,以履行我们的诺言。