- That woman likes to stir up trouble. 那位妇人喜欢搬弄是非。
- They were trying to stir up trouble at the university. 他们想在大学里闹事。
- Whenever he's around, he always manages to stir up trouble. 什么时候只要有他在,他就总要挑起点事来。
- There is no denying that such confusion has provided favourable conditions for those who are always looking for a chance to stir up trouble. 不能否认,这种混乱状况确实给一些唯恐天下不乱的人的活动,提供了一方面的有利条件。
- His speech was calculated to stir up the crowd. 他讲的话是有意鼓动群众的。
- Those who tried to stir up trouble spread the rumour that his medicines were poison. 那些企图煽动是非的人散布谣言,说他的药是毒药。
- Pro-Southern groups continued to stir up trouble, trying to bring the war to a close on terms favorable to the South. 亲南方的集团继续惹起麻烦,尽力要把战争在有利南方的条件下结束。
- One who advocates or attempts to stir up war. 好战份子大肆宣传或欲鼓动起战争的人
- We the religious circle should be specifically vigilant to this kind of fallacies and absurdities, leaving it no opportunity to stirring up troubles. 对这种歪理邪说,我们宗教界要特别提高警惕,绝不能让它们兴妖作怪。
- I’m always looking for a chance to stir up trouble, I’m a busybody inherently. 我天生就是一个好事之徒,唯恐天下不乱。
- The Italian press is well known to stir up trouble during major championships, and Buffon is pleading with them not to try and unsettle Cassano. 意大利媒体众所周知地在大赛间隙制造麻烦,但是布冯恳求媒体不要试图使卡萨诺困惑不安。
- Each program hosts two separate support different players, sometimes to stir up trouble, sometimes confuse the program to bring endless joy and dramatic effects. 每期节目两位主持人分别支持不同的选手,时而煽风点火,时而混淆视听,给节目带来无穷的欢乐与戏剧效果。
- To stir up trouble for oneself. 为自己招惹麻烦
- Second,they are cunning and deceitful; When the times are against them,they conceal their ideas to win other people's confidence; Then,when the situation changes in their favour,they will come forth to stir up trouble and fan the flames of unrest. 二、他们有狡猾的政治手腕,不利时会伪装自己,骗取信任,时机到来,又会煽风点火,制造新的动乱。
- Second, they are cunning and deceitful; When the times are against them, they conceal their ideas to win other people's confidence; Then, when the situation changes in their favour, they will come forth to stir up trouble and fan the flames of unrest. 二、他们有狡猾的政治手腕,不利时会伪装自己,骗取信任,时机到来,又会煽风点火,制造新的动乱;
- Stop trying to stir up racial hostility! 停止试图挑起种族仇恨!
- Had previously There are many outstanding athletes and even sports drink all have been to stir up trouble, trouble broke the scandal, Wang Hao's why we can not learn a lesson from it? 以前就曾有很多运动员甚至是优秀运动都曾有过醉酒惹事、闹事的丑闻爆出,现在的王皓为什么就不能从中汲取教训呢?
- I'm left to stir up my own excitement. 只有我是靠自己的激情去做事。
- Within the country, landlords, rich peasants, counter-revolutionaries, bad elements.Rightists and all kinds of ghosts and monsters came out into the open in large numbers to stir up trouble. 在国内,地富反坏右和形形色色的牛鬼蛇神纷纷出笼,兴风作浪。
- To stir up(memories, for example). 唤起(如记忆)