- To stroll and swim about 优游涵泳
- Keep your wits about you and swim to shore. 保持冷静,游到岸边。
- In summer people often go to the beach and swim. 夏天人们常到海滩游泳。
- You may wish to relax here and swim. 您可以在这里尽情畅泳,享受蓝天碧海。
- It is useful to stroll every day to you. 每天散步对你有益。
- Paul continued to stroll down the street. 保罗继续在街上漫步。
- My friend likes to stroll around the flea market. 我的朋友爱逛旧货市场(跳蚤市场)
- They used to stroll along the river after supper. 过去晚饭后他们常沿着河边散步。
- I can only swim about half a length freestyle. 我用自由式游泳只能游半趟。
- They smoked cigarettes as they continued to stroll. 他们一边抽烟,一边继续信步溜跶。
- I used to stroll along the beach on Sundays. 我过去常在星期天沿海滩散步。
- The fish swim about in the water. 鱼在 水里游来游去。
- Good spot in the evening for a stroll and gelati from GG Gelati! 好去处,晚上散步和格拉特从格拉特的GG !
- I can swim about 35 lengths in one go. 你可以游多长?
- These fish swim about in the pond. 这些鱼在池塘里随意地游着。
- I will put on my swimsuit and swim in the ocean. 我会穿上泳衣在海里游泳。
- The visitors liked to stroll about the streets at night. 游客喜欢在晚上漫游街市。
- "Danny! Come in the pool and swim!" says Jenny. 珍妮说:“丹尼,快到游泳池里来游泳吧!
- They still hike and swim regularly. 他们仍然定期地远足和游泳。
- How'd you like to stroll around for a while and see the sights? 各处溜溜逛一逛,看看景色怎么样?