- To whet the scaling knife 以此来磨炼着无边的锋芒
- I showed the sales director a preview of the proposal to whet his appetite for the main advertising campaign. 我给销售经理预先看所提的建议,以增加他对广告宣传运动的兴趣。
- The resultt is opposite to whet some people think. 这结果与一些人的想法是相反的。
- Fish and vegetable side dishes come with a variety of flavorings, but somehow their role seems to be to whet the appetite for more rice. 而添加了各种味道的鱼、蔬菜等菜肴,发挥着的是增进食欲的配角作用,目的是为了把大量的米饭送进胃里。
- It is hard to imagine the scale of the universe. 很难想像宇宙有多大。
- I've read only the first few pages of her book, but it was enough to whet my appetite. 她的书我只看了开头几页,但已经引起我极大的兴趣。
- That machine uses the different siot form to whet the round, can whet a side of straight line or the duckbill sides,the giass of different thicknesschooses to use the different to compiplete,process speed can Adjust. 该机使用不同的槽形磨轮,可磨直线圆边或鸭嘴边,不同厚度的玻璃选用不同槽宽的磨轮,集粗磨、精磨、抛光一次性完成,加工速度可调。
- Powers tried to throw the sword into the scale. 大国力图用武力来解决问题。
- The splendid dinner whet the appetite of the guest. 一顿辉煌的晚餐,使客人们食欲大振。
- Chimney uses to bear to whet the coating 烟囱用耐磨涂料
- I weighed in at100 pounds on the scale today. 我今天在磅秤上称的体重为100磅。
- She whetted the knife on the stone. 她在石上磨小刀。
- The preview was intended to whet your appetite. 预告是为了吊你胃口。
- Would you like to whet your appetite? 侍者: 要点什么开开胃?
- The scale to be applied to the sprite in each axis. 怪物的比例在每个轴上。
- I intend to whet up your appetite. 就吊你的胃口,怎么样?
- Of or relating to successive tones of the scale. 音调上连接或有关的
- What does the scale, dial, gauge, etc read? 刻度尺、 刻度盘、 量规等显示的读数是多少?
- The scale is one inch to 10 miles. 缩尺以一寸代表十哩。
- They conjectured the time according to the scale. 秦汉时期,古人完成了二十四气节的制定。