- Toddler or child size sofas 学步孩子或儿童用的沙发
- Toddler or child size bean bag chairs 学步孩子或儿童用的豆袋椅
- Toddler or child size easy chairs 学步孩子或儿童用的舒适椅
- A woman's or child's short haircut. 短发女子或孩童的短发
- Ma i a or child, hi ower i the ower of growth. 人是一个初生的孩子,他的力量,就是生长的力量。
- Sexual attraction felt by an adult toward a child or children. 恋童症成年人感到的对一个或几个儿童有性吸引力
- Financial provision or adjustment of property rights ordered by a court for a spouse or child in divorce proceeding. 法院命令的,为离婚诉讼中一方配偶或孩子进行的经济上的提供或对财产权的调整。
- Or child of the domain name fall the embroil of authority. 或者是子域名的降权的 牵连。
- Loving one's own offspring or children in general. 爱儿童的爱自己子女或爱所有孩子的
- Orphan or children of single parent. 孤儿/单亲家庭的儿童。
- NID Specifies the identifier of the control or child window to be retrieved. 指定了要获取的控件或子窗口的标识符。
- You'll never see man, woman or child in need of help go ignored out here. 你在这儿决不会看见一个需要帮助的男人、妇女或孩子得不到帮助。
- Specifies the identifier of the control or child window to be retrieved. 指定了要获取的控件或子窗口的标识符。
- Boil any items a toddler or baby might put in his mouth. Discard stuffed toys, water-logged toys and non-cleanable toys. 将任何可能被婴幼儿放入口中的物品用沸水消毒。丢弃被水泡胀,有积水或无法清洁的玩具。
- Make sure your child has the tools he/she needs ? child size broom, mop, dust pan, whisk broom, duster, etc., to help maintain the cleanliness of the household. 保证孩子有合适的工具---适合孩子尺寸的笤帚,拖把,簸萁,打蛋器和擦尘的工具,等等,用来保持居家的整洁。
- A woman's or child's loosely fitting shirt that extends to the waist or slightly below. 宽松短衫妇女或儿童穿的宽松短衫,可遮至腰部或稍下的地方
- I have actually never heard about a cat hurting any baby or child unless the child tormented it in the first place. 我事实上从未听说猫伤害婴儿或小孩除非小孩先折磨了它。
- Of, relating to, or being a child or children born to unmarried parents. 私生的,非婚生的由非婚父母所生的孩子的,关于非婚父母所生的孩子的
- A woman's or child's play outfit consisting of shorts and a blouse,sometimes in one piece. 便装妇女或儿童所穿的包括短裤和短外套,有时是单件的游戏服装
- The toddler tried to walk but kept falling down. 那小孩学著走路但老是跌跤。