- Tool path modification 刀具路径修正
- Experienced Tool path programer for 5 axis milling machine. Full or partime. 要求有5年以上工作经验,做五轴机器的编程工作。
- Usually, volumetric models or vector force models used for optimization of feedrate must be created to get the variable feedrate along the tool path. 通常必须创建切削体积模型或矢量力模型来优化刀具路径各段的进给率。
- This paper introduces an algorithm for contour-parallel offset tool path linking without tool retractions. 摘要提出一个无跳刀的轮廓平移刀路轨迹优化算法。
- CAD/CAM software was applied to constructing 3D models, process planning, and tool path simulation for each SDM layer. 运用CAD/CAM软体进行3D模型设计、刀具路径规划与模拟。
- This algorithm is suitable for multi-unconnected curves, and can be used in tool path generation. 算法适用于多个不连通区域的识别,为一次生成多个不连通区域的加工刀具轨迹奠定了基础。
- A tool path planning method is proposed based on geometric models of constant scallop-height tool path. 摘要在介绍计算几何模型的基础上,提出一种刀具路径算法。
- In high-speed machining process, the overshoots often occur in the tool path and the machining accuracy is affected. 摘要高速加工过程中,在刀具路径上容易产生过冲,影响加工精度,因此必须提前对加工速度进行优化处理。
- Aiming at little fluctuation of cutting force of glass bulb panel's surface, the best tool path is three dimension and the second is furthest highness. 以切削力波动最小为目标,加工屏凸模表面刀具切削路径优先选择三维偏置法,其次选择最佳等高法。
- This method is especially suitable for 2(1/2)-axis NC machine tool path control system, because of easy calculation and excellent dynamic accuracy. 这种方法计算简便,动态精度较高,特别适用于2(1/2)座标的数控机床轨迹控制。
- Four themes are introduced here.For the first one, the tool path generation algorithm is developed for the z-map machining of STL model. 本文一共包含了四大主题,第一个主题针对STL模型的三轴投影式加工,推导其加工路径演算法。
- Diamond / CBN cutting tool steel shaft with a carbide wheel cutter, such as requiring high-speed rotary tool path of the Tang Center (R) to adapt to. 超高转速适用于带柄金刚石/CBN刀具与硬质合金旋转锉刀等需要高转速带动的耗材。
- The algorithm satisfies the needs of the new character NC machining technique that generates the tool path by the character skeleton. 该算法满足了新的字符加工方法因为要使用字符骨架生成刀位轨迹而对细化算法的要求。
- Kwan S.Kwok,Cliff s, Loucks, and Brian Driessen, “Automatic Tool Path Generation for Finish Machining”, International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 7/1997, IEEE. 范光照,黄伟明,”精密曲面加工与机上量测系统的研制”,中国机械工程学会第14届全国学术研讨会论文集,1997。
- Not only study on a key question of machine modeling simulation,but also analyse the optimization principle of VERICUT and create a tool path optimizing mathematical model. 不仅研究了在机床建模仿真中的关键问题,而且建立了基于切削参数的优化模型,分析多种不同的优化方法。
- They cleaved a path through the wilderness. 他们在荒原中开辟出一条路。
- The results of simulation and machining test show that the spatial loop tool path can work with high efficiency when the size of normal tooth thickness is small. 仿真结果和数控机床试切结果表明,当转子法向齿厚尺寸较小时,采用空间环形走刀方式效率较高且能保证精度;
- The kinematic relationship between the wheel and the cutter is analyzed.An algorithm of computing tool path for grinding helical curve cutter with CNC ginder is given. 分析了砂轮与刀具前刀面之间的相对位置关系,给出了数学模型,提出了数控磨削螺旋刃刀具刀位轨迹生成的实用方法。
- HSM has special requirements for software systems, however, the current CAM systems can not satisfy these demands very well, especially for efficient and safe tool path. 本文以此 为出发点,进行了高速铣削刀具轨迹的研究,完成了以下的工作:( 1)提出并实现了钻铣式粗加工刀具轨迹的生成算法。
- Tool path simulation and machine simulation can be displayed synchronously.Its simulation is not only lifelike but also peculiar to generalization of CNC machining simulation. 可实现刀具轨迹仿真和机床仿真的同步显示,不但逼真,而且在数控机床加工仿真通用性方面有其独到之处;