- Top grade Blue Mountain coffee 极品蓝山咖啡
- Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee , Grand 1 Green beanas , Mavis Bank . 蓝山咖啡豆写真图片。其实,真正的蓝山咖啡,并不遥远。
- We specialize in the mixed hot coffee, mixed blue mountain coffee, mandeling, brazil santos. 本公司致力于综合热咖啡、综合蓝山、曼特宁、巴西山多士。
- Jamaica is world renowned for Bob Marley and reggae music, Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee and fine rum. 牙买加以BobMarley,Reggae音乐,牙买加蓝山咖啡以及牙买加郎姆酒而闻名于世。
- White Lotus Paste with Single Yolk, Red Bean Paste with Single Yolk,Coconut Flavored, Mixed Nut, XO Scallop, Jasmine Tea, Kumquat Paste,Blue Mountain Coffee Flavour. 蛋黄白莲,蛋黄豆沙,奶油椰皇,金腿伍仁,XO干贝,茉莉花茶,金桔香莲,蓝山咖啡,八款独一无二的口味让您欲罢不能。
- The pricey coffee known as Caffe Raro is a blend of extremely rare Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee and Kupi Luwak, an Indonesian coffee bean that is harvested from the bodily waste left behind by Indonesian civet cats, The Daily Telegraph reported Thursday. 据《每日电讯报》本周四报道,这种昂贵的“猫粪咖啡”由极为稀少的牙买加蓝山咖啡和印尼鲁瓦克咖啡豆混合调制而成,鲁瓦克咖啡豆是从印尼麝香猫的排泄物中提取出来的。
- Supply of Blue Mountain coffee has fallen short in the past year or two due to the decimation of farms by past storms, and the inability of uninsured farmers to recapitalise their operations. 在过去的一两年内,蓝山咖啡的产量由于飓风的影响而呈下降趋势,没有保险的农场主没有能力筹措资金恢复生产也是产量下降的因素之一。
- The Best of blue Mountain Coffee 比利时极品蓝山
- Belgium Royal Best Blue Mountain Coffee 比利时极品皇家咖啡
- Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee Beans 牙买加蓝山咖啡豆
- Silk tapestry, top grade gift, rare collection. 真丝挂毯;高档礼品;稀世藏品.
- 100% Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee , Grand 1 Green beanas , Mavis Bank . 蓝山咖啡豆写真图片。其实,真正的蓝山咖啡,并不遥远。
- All the cotton they sold to the state was top grade. 他们交售的棉花全部够得上一级。
- This premium estate coffee comes from top grade growers who pride themselves with producing only the highest quality Arabica coffee plants. 这种品质卓越的咖啡来自手工很好的种植者,他们一直为自己种植出独一无二高品质的阿拉比卡咖啡而自豪。
- Suitable for top grade floor or wall tiles with sinking effect. 适用高档地、墙砖使用,有深陷效果。
- Top grade latex paint and watermanship carpentry Lacquer. 高档乳胶漆和水性木器漆
- Top grade florescent lamps provide stable and even plate exposure. 优质紫外光管,光谱稳定,晒版效果均衡。
- 100% Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee: Elegant, indulgent and full-bodied, with moderate acidity subtly balanced with a smooth finish.Coffee perfection. 100%25纯正牙买加蓝色山脉咖啡:优雅的,自由的,浓郁的,落口后微酸。
- We produce middle and top grade violin, viola, cello and professional violin. 主要生产中高档小提琴、提琴、提琴和专业用琴。所有产品选材精细、艺精美,用材周期时间长。提琴从小琴到大琴,均可让用户放心。