- Top set at no value 认为没有价值;毫不重视
- set at no value 毫不重视
- He set at his adversary in strong language. 他以强硬的语言抨击他的敌手。
- His men talk to him at no allowance. 他手下的人可随意同他说话。
- His enemies set at him from every side. 敌人从四面八方向他袭击。
- The sun set at about six o'clock. 太阳大约在6点钟就下山了。
- Broad goals are set at the top of the organization. 组织的最高管理者设立总目标。
- He lives at No 95 Russell Square/Sq. 他住在罗素广场95号。
- You must set at least one value. 必须至少设置一个值。
- At no time should you give up studying. 在任何时候你都不应放弃读书。
- A memorial stone set at the head of a grave. 墓石竖在墓前的纪念性石碑
- The value of the watch was set at $500. 这块表被估价为500美元。
- At no time has the country been more prosperous than at present. 我国任何时候都没有现在这样繁荣。
- She's in the top set for French. 她的法语成绩名列前茅。
- At no time do the plain look so perfect as in early autumn. 草原看上去从没有象初秋时这么完美。
- No wonder I'm cold! This thing is set at 65? 怪不得我冷。你把它调到65度?
- At no time in his life has he been braver than in that case. 他一生中从来没有像那一回那么勇敢。
- Such shallow argument is of no value. 这样浅薄的议论没有价值。
- Off her own beat her opinions were of no value. 离开了她的本行,她的意见就没有什么价值了。
- Smoke has no value in preventing heat-loss. 烟对于防止热量散失没有作用。