- US Total Army Personnel Command 美国全军人事司令部
- Total Army Personnel Command 总体陆军人事司令部
- Total Army Personnel Data Base-Active Enlisted 总体陆军人事数据库-现役士兵
- Total Army Personnel Data Base-Active Officer 总体陆军人事数据库-现役军官
- Total Army Personnel Evaluation System 陆军全体人员鉴定系统
- Total Army Personnel Data Base-Mobilization Data Base 总体陆军人事数据库-动员数据库
- Army personnel are often forbidden to fraternize with the civilian population. 军职人员常被禁止与平民百姓友好往来。
- Army personnel are not allowed to leave the base. 军事人员不准离开基地.
- Total Army Personnel Activity 陆军人事总局
- Total Army Personnel Agency 陆军人事总局
- Total Army Personnel Data Base 总体陆军人事数据库
- Army personnel were often forbidden to fraternize with the civilian population. 军职人员常被禁止与平民百姓友好往来。
- Army personnel is often forbid to fraternize with the civilian population. 军职人员常被禁止与平民百姓友好往来。
- Army personnel is often forbidden to fraternize with the civilian population. 军职人员常被禁止与平民百姓友好往来。
- United States Army Personnel Integrating Command 美国陆军人事综合司令部
- A password used by an officer of the day, an officer on guard, or the personnel commanded by such an officer. 口令,暗号执勤军官、卫兵或由这类军官任命的人员使用的口令
- "The low birth rate can seriously affect our economy, politics and even national security," said Lieutenant Hong Kyung-moon, an army personnel officer. 韩国军方官员Hong表示:“出生率低严重影响了我国的经济、政治甚至国家安全。
- Army personnel set up a grill nearly 1.5 kilometres long and fire-fighters lit six tonnes of charcoal to kick off the gargantuan cookout. 军方人员架设了一个长达1500米的烧烤架;消防人员点燃了六吨煤炭;一次盛大的野炊活动拉开了序幕。
- Joint Logistics and Personnel Command 联合后勤与人事司令部
- BBC correspondent in Muzaffarabad said the camp was cordoned off and witnesses had heard several loud explosions and seen army personnel at the scene. BBC记者从穆扎法若班德发回的报道称:激进组织所占据的营地已被隔离;据目击者称:“交火地传来一阵阵巨响,并能够看见军事人员隐隐约约的身影”。