- Total loss insurance of part 部分全损险
- The ship was wrecked and became a total loss. 船只失事,一切都损失了。
- We suffered total loss of hydraulic fluid. 液压油完全流失。
- Surgical removal of part or all of the uterus. 子宫切除术将子宫的全部或部分通过外科手术切除
- The plane was blown up with total loss of life. 飞机被炸,乘客全部罹难。
- Surgical removal of part of the iris of the eye. 虹膜切除术手术切除部分虹膜
- Total loss cover Insurance against all losses. 对所有各种损失的保险。
- We can exclude the possibility of total loss from our calculations. 我们可以在预测中把彻底失败的可能性排除在外。
- Enterprise Endowment Insurance of U. S. 美国的企业养老保险。
- Surgical removal of part or all of the colon. 结肠切除部分或全部切除结肠的外科手术
- This relieved us of part of our luggage. 这给我们减去一部分行李的负担。
- Proceed to Muda Lake for commencement of Part Two. 进入泥潭湖开始第二阶段比赛。
- Try to act the dialogue of Part A. 几人一组表演部分课文。
- Unless a different intention appears from the terms of the policy, an insurance against total loss includes a constructive, as well as an actual, total loss. 除非保险单条款另有不同的意思,全损险除承保实际全损外,还承保推定全损。
- Surgical removal of part or all of the larynx. 喉切除术部分或全部切除咽喉的外科手术
- Surgical removal of part or all of the pharynx. 咽喉切除术切除部分或全部咽的外科手术
- We'd like to get a policy for total loss only for these goods. 我方希望开张仅这批货物的总损失保单。
- Surgical excision of part or all of the stomach. 胃切除术胃全部或部分切除的手术
- Actually, nobody can stand the total loss of the archetype. 实际上,没有人能忍受这个原型的全部丧失。
- Approval of part drawings and/or specifications. 零部件图纸及规格书的批准.