- Total loss only and excess 只保全损和超额
- We'd like to get a policy for total loss only for these goods. 我方希望开张仅这批货物的总损失保单。
- Unconformity with your instructions, we have have the goods insure against total loss only. 遵照贵方指示,我们已将货物投保全损险。
- Unconformity with your instructions,we have have the goods insure against total loss only. 遵照贵方指示,我们已将货物投保全损险。
- Decomposing the total loss into the sum of hysterisis loss, classical eddy current loss and excess loss, we have carefully examined the nonlinear behaviour of the low-frequency loss per cycle. 将总铁损分离为磁滞损耗、经典涡流损耗和过剩损耗之和,我们仔细地考查了每周低频损耗的非线性行为。
- The ship was wrecked and became a total loss. 船只失事,一切都损失了。
- DHL contracts with Shipper on the basis that DHL's liability is strictly limited to direct loss only and to the per kilo limits in this Section 5. DHL与付货人的合约是建基於DHL所负的法律责任严格限於直接损失及本章第5节所提及的千克/磅限制。
- Insurance against total loss only(TLO) 全损险
- insurance against total loss only 只保全损险
- Prochazka loved to regale his friends with hyperbole and excess. 普罗恰兹卡喜欢用夸张、过激的话与朋友逗乐。
- The doctrine holding that Jesus was human only and not divine. 基督凡人论认为耶稣是人而非神的教义
- This is the only and sovereign agent. 这是唯一的,至高无上的起因。
- We suffered total loss of hydraulic fluid. 液压油完全流失。
- This is the only and the last lyric. 这是唯一的,最后的,抒情。
- Such values are read only and invariant. 这些值都是只读和不变的。
- The plane was blown up with total loss of life. 飞机被炸,乘客全部罹难。
- Heavy rain and excessive use have impoverished the soil. 土地因招暴雨侵蚀及使用过度已贫瘠不堪。
- Why dare can the person escape only and face? 为什么人只会逃避而不敢面对?
- He claims he is the only and legal heritor. 他声称自己是唯一合法的继承人。
- Marine Cargo Total Loss Only 货物全损险