- This article plans to Macao tourism characteristic and the prospects for development makes some analyses, for reference. 本文拟对澳门旅游业的特点及发展前景作一些分析,供参考。
- This article tries to combine with tourism characteristics and put forward the construction, planning and development concept of university campus tourism environment. 试图结合游览观光特质。提出大学校园游览观光环境的营造、规划与发展的理念。
- The island has been ruined by tourism. 该岛毁在旅游业上了。
- Tourism is at its peak in August. 旅游业在八月份达到高峰。
- The country's economy is dependent on tourism. 该国经济依赖於旅游业。
- Sympathy is the feeling characteristic of mankind. 同情心是人类特有的感情。
- Tourism was then still in its infant stage. 旅游业当时还处在初创阶段。
- The island has been untouched by tourism. 该岛未受旅游业的影响。
- He spoke with characteristic enthusiasm. 他以特有的热情说话。
- Her predominant characteristic is honesty. 她最为突出的特点是诚实。
- Characteristic of or befitting a warrior. 勇敢的,好战的具有战士、勇士特征的或适宜于勇士的
- A characteristic feature of Attic Greek. 雅典式的习语,文体,风格等古希腊雅典个性风格
- Characteristic of or resembling an Amazon. 亚马孙族人的有亚马孙族人特点的,象亚马孙族人的
- A notable or distinctive feature or characteristic. 特征显著或特殊的特征或特点
- The characteristic of the logarithm 6.3214 is 6. 对数6.;3214的首数是6。
- Such bluntness is characteristic of him. 他就是这麽迟钝。
- That nation is famous for its tourism. 那个国家以旅游业闻名。
- A characteristic way or mode of expression. 用语,说法具有特点的方法或方式的表达
- A common trait or characteristic. 共同特征或共同性质
- A distinguishing characteristic or feature. 特色,特征区别于其它事物的特点或性质