- Keywords Method of standard additions;Nuclear-pure spongy Zr;Trace amount of Hf;ICP-AES; 标准加入法;核纯海绵锆;微量铪;电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法;
- Trace amount of Hf 微量铪
- Trace Amounts of Lead in Gasoline, Method of Test for (05. 汽油中铅含量的痕量的试验方法(05。
- The immunological examination technique is fast, easy and accurate even in trace amount of phycotoxin and shellfish toxin. 藻类毒素和贝毒的检测方法要求快速、方便、准确,并且在其含量极微时即可检出以起到预警作用。
- Minerals in the residues including mullite, corundum, quartz, and a trace amount of calcite and K-feldspar. 燃煤产物中的矿物有莫来石、刚玉、石英,以及少量方解石和钾长石。
- It was indincated that the best content of cumyl hydroperoxide, tetra-ethylene lauryl ethet and a trace amount of fe... 其硫化胶膜拉伸强度、撕裂强度、耐热老化性等物理性能均获得提高。
- Trace amount of chromium and nickel was determined using a flow injection on-line extraction FAAS system. 本文用流动注射-在线萃取火焰原子吸收法测定了人发中微量的铬和镍。
- The trace amount of gold, platinum, palladiumm and thallium in hydrochloric acid solution can be concentrated by sulfhydryl group carbon powder. 研究了巯基活性炭在盐酸介质中对金、铂、钯和铊的吸附能力。
- "It is amazing that more than a trace amount of comets comes from the inner, hotter regions of the solar nebula where Earth formed," says Brownlee. “这挺让人吃惊,不止一小点彗星物质来自于太阳系星云的内层炽热区域,而地球就是在那儿形成的。”布朗里说。
- The amount of oxygen (5 mg/L) is beneficial for human body, and the ions and trace amount of elements can be easily absorbed. 含有适量的氧(5毫克/升);含有适量的有益于人体健康、并呈离子状态物质及微量元素,适宜人体吸收。
- Remove victim from source of HF fumes. 把受害人从HF烟雾源转移走。
- Test results showed that a trace amount of naphthetic acid or nitride could significantly improve the lubricity of diesel fuel. 结果表明,微量的环烷酸和含氮化合物能有效地改善柴油润滑性,而单环、双环芳烃和硫化物对柴油润滑性的改善效果不明显;
- The weight of HF reaches calculated value. HF的重量达到计算值。
- The analyses show that the major compositi ons of ceramic glazes are Al 2O 3, SiO 2; a small quantity of K 2O, Na 2O, CaO, MgO; and a trace amount of TiO 2, Fe 2O 3, S etc. 实验表明 :陶瓷釉的主要化学成分为Al2 O3、SiO2 ,少量为K2 O、Na2 O、MgO、CaO和微量的TiO2 、Fe2 O3、S等 ;
- He has a large amount of mail to answer every day. 他每天有大量的信件要回复。
- Chief among them are odorless gases including nitrogen, hydrogen, methane and oxygen, with a trace amount of some other odorous gases like ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, etc. 其中主要成分是氮、氢、二氧化碳、甲烷、氧等无臭气体,以及微量的氨、硫化氢、等形成臭味的气体。
- Abstract Trace amount of DBP and MBP in TBP-kerosene system is determined by gas chromatography with FID (Flame Ionization Detector) and fused silica capillary column. 摘要 用气相色谱的氢火焰离子化检测器及熔融石英毛细管柱测定在煤油体系中痕量的DBP(磷酸二丁酯)和MBP(磷酸一丁酯)。
- In Part III, we report a new electrokinetic scheme capable of trapping and concentrating a trace amount of DNA molecules both efficiently and effectively. 第三部份,我们提出一个运用电荷动力现象来收集并浓缩DNA分子的新方法。
- All materials on Earth, including the metal out of which the detectors are built, contain a trace amount of radioactive material such as uranium and thorium. 地球上所有的物质,包括用来建造探测器的金属,都含有些许的放射性物质,比如铀和钍。
- The carpet will stand any amount of wear. 这地毯极其耐用。