- Trachelomonas rotundan. 圆形囊裸藻
- The Capitol at Washington has a large rotunda. 华盛顿的国会大厦有一圆形大厅。
- He is lying in state at the Capitol Rotunda. 他的遗体被庄严地安放在国会大厅。
- Enter the rotunda and then get on your first right. 含增值税及城市/旅游税:包括增值税。包括服务费。包括城市/旅游税。
- The vast rotunda space can hold eight million books. 巨大的圆形大厅可容纳800万册藏书。
- I was born in the Rotunda Hospital, on June 5th, 1932. 我于1932年6月5日出生在卢坦达医院。
- This wall, beside that rotunda, was Milton viewed through Berquin. 圆亭背后的这道墙,令人想象出现在贝尔坎背后的密尔顿。
- I followed the crowd into the rotunda of the church. 我跟着人群进入教堂的圆形大厅。
- As you enter the location of Vila you will encounter a rotunda. 一间客房的最高容量是1张额外的床/幼儿床。定金/预付政策:酒店将不收取定金。
- The public can view his body in the capital rotunda Sunday and Monday. 人们可以于周日和周一在首都的圆形大厅与遗体告别。
- There are the Tuscan style Courtyard and Rotunda framed by its own vineyard. 以塔斯卡尼式的庭院及圆形建筑来建构它的葡萄园。
- Former President Gerald R. Ford's body lies in state at the Capital Rotunda in Washington. 美国前总统福特的遗体被安放在华盛顿国会大厦圆形大厅供人瞻仰。
- The enlisted men and officers separated into different dining halls on facing sides of the archaic rotunda. 士兵和军官分别走入他们各自的食堂用餐,这些食堂都设在古色古香的圆形大厅正面。
- Former President Gerald R. Fords body lies in state attheCapital Rotunda in Washington. 美国前总统福特的遗体被安放在华盛顿国会大厦圆形大厅供人瞻仰。
- The Baptistery is a stately rotunda, of huge dimensions, and was a costly structure. 浸礼堂,是个面积巨大的圆厅,也是座豪华的建筑。
- Rotunda's Modern Constitutional Law: Cases and Notes, 8th (American Casebook Series? 参考译名:当代宪法:案例和注释第8版(美国案例教材系列)
- Today is the last day for the public to pay their respects to the 38th president in the capital rotunda. 今天是民众在圆形大厅里对第38任美国总统福特表示敬意的最后一天。
- A ramp inside the rotunda guides visitors to the mid-level entrance to the building. 大厅内的斜坡引导着游客们来到展览馆的夹层入口。
- Today is the last day for the public to pay their respects to the 38th president in the capitol rotunda. 今天是公众在国会圆顶大厅向这位38届美国总统表示敬意的最后一天。
- Planters, complete with live plants, and a fountain that Wright installed in the rotunda are back in use. 今天,当你走进莱特这座圆形建筑,深深打动你的是它那种亲切和舒适的华贵感。