- Trade Mark Legislation 商标法
- What's your opinion on the trade mark ? 商标问题,你们怎么考虑?
- What's youropinion on the trade mark? 商标问题,你们怎么考虑?
- I want to register a trade mark. 我想给商标注册。
- What's your opinion on the trade mark? 商标问题,你们怎么考虑?
- Is it possible to have a trade mark transferred? 是否有可能转让商标?
- Every story's got a trade mark Bradbury twist. 每个故事都贴上了布雷德伯里怪诞的标签。
- The registered trade mark is:"JEA". 年设计生产能力2万吨。
- From the USA legislation on and application of trade mark law, we can with no exaggeration draw the conclusion that no law system is so patchy and mysterious like trade mark law. 虽然在法律上,淡化已经得到了认可,但是对于商标淡化法律的适用,即使是淡化法相对比较发达的美国还存在较大的分歧。
- New legislation to include copyright piracy and trade mark counterfeiting offences under Schedule 1 to the Organised and Serious Crimes Ordinance was also proposed during the year. 当局亦在年内草拟法例,把盗版及伪冒商标罪行纳入《有组织及严重罪行条例》附表1之中。
- Guangzhou Fujian Trade Mark Products Color Printing Co., Ltd. 广州市富兴商标彩色印制有限公司。
- The registered trade mark of the products is... brand. 产品注册商标为.
- The trade mark is an intangible asset of every enterprise. 商标是企业的一项无形资产。
- We should protect ownership of trade marks. 我们应该保护商标权。
- How to assess patents and trade marks? 怎样估价专利和商标?
- Only the Registeced trade marks are legally protected acc ording to the traditional theory of brand protection and current legislation of tra de morks. 根据我国传统的商标保护理论和现行商标立法,只有注册商标才受到法律的全面保护。
- The best way to get the trade mark off the bottle is to soak it off. 把商标从瓶子上揭下来的最好办法是用水泡湿再揭。
- The trade mark on other facilities seems to be gotten rid of carefully. 其他设施上的商标好象被仔细地弄掉了。
- Your logo or trade mark can be added to the wooden hanger in a number of ways. 你的公司徽号或标志,可以透过以下的方法加在木衣架上。
- German Patent and Trade Mark Office Currently available in German only. 瑞典民间设计公司,产品以简洁优雅为诉求。