- The trade minister with a trade mission pay a visit to that country. 贸易部长率贸易代表团对那个国家进行了访问。
- Trade minister have go to the world fair to fly the flag. 贸易部长已去世界商品展销会参加升旗。
- The trade minister with a trade mission paid a visit to that country. 贸易部长率贸易代表团对那个国家进行了访问。
- Trade Minister Simon Crean begins his second visit in a month to China today. 贸易部长Simon Crean于今日开赴中国,进行本月的第二次访问。
- Australia's trade minister, WT said the Washington and Brussels should not be expected to make all the. 澳大利亚外交部长WT称不能指望华盛顿和布鲁塞尔做出所有的妥协。
- Trade Minister Stockwell Day, known for his criticism of China on human rights, will visit next month. 贸易部长戴卫国将在下周访问中国,他以批评中国人权记录著称。
- India's trade minister, who announced a suspension, said it could take months or years to restart the talks. 印度商业部长宣布了谈判中止的消息,并说,重新开始会谈可能需要几个月、甚至几年的时间。
- India's Trade Minister Kamal Nath in term accused large developed counties of holding up the deal. 印度贸易部部长说,世界一些主要的发达国家阻碍了世界贸易。
- Ottawa Citizen reports that Canadian Foreign Trade Minister Marchi made the remarks on Thursday in a meeting on foreign policy and trade held in Ottawa. 渥太华公民报的报道说,加拿大联邦国际贸易部长马奇是星期四在渥太华出席一个关于外交与国际贸易的会议的时候讲这番话的。
- After five days of negotiations, European Union trade commissioner Pascal Lamy and Chinese foreign trade minister Shi Guangsheng signed the agreement. 经过五天的谈判,欧盟贸易委员帕斯卡尔和中国对外贸易部部长石广生在协议上签字。
- Load Jones, former trade minister, sayd that while some bankers deserve the opprobrium, "at some point we really have to call time on this." Mr. 前贸易部长琼斯勋爵表示,虽然有些银行家应该受到责备,但“在某个时候,我们的确必须叫停这种行为”。
- Australia's trade minister, Warren Truss, says Washington and Brussels should not be expected to make all the concessions. 澳大利亚贸易部长称不应该指望华盛顿和布鲁塞尔做出一切让步。
- Let me thank the trade minister for those welcoming words, and tell you what a privilege it is for me to join you here today. 我要感谢贸易部长发表的这番欢迎之词,还要告诉你们今天能在这里与你们相聚一堂让我感到十分荣幸。
- Indian Trade Minister Anand Sharma called it a "breakthrough," and said there was a unanimous affirmation of the need to clinch a new trade deal. 来自35个重要国家的贸易部长们在印度出席为期两天的非正式会议,并于星期五达成共识,决定重新启动世贸组织高层谈判,也就是所谓的“多哈回合”。
- But trade ministers argued and free trade opponents rioted. 但商业部长争论了并且自由贸易对手暴乱了。
- Indian Trade Minister Kamal Nath said New Delhi also hopes to work out the details of a free trade accord by the end of the year. 印度商工部长纳斯说,新德里还希望在年底之前敲定一个自由贸易协定的细节。
- Following today's Cabinet session, Industry and Trade Minister Eli Yishai says the Lebanon operation could last as long as 30 days. 内阁会议结束后,以色列工业和贸易部长伊沙依说,以军在黎巴嫩的军事行动可能要持续30天。
- At the end of the meeting, out of the blue, he asked whether the President had as yet decided on receiving Trade Minister Patolichev. 会见结束时,他出其不意地问,总统是否已决定接见贸易部长帕托利切夫。
- Kamal Nath, India's new trade minister, tells two anecdotes to illustrate the changing nature of the job in a country long known for its protectionist instincts. 讲了两则轶事,用来说明在向来以保护主义本能闻名的印度,工作岗位的性质已发生了变化。
- This legal opinion is being seen as the reason behind last week’s formation by Trade minister Uhuru Kenyatta of a committee to oversee implementation of the Comesa safeguards.Mr. 从上个世纪末的最后几年开始,国内各大保险公司纷纷加紧信息化建设的步伐,最近几年来,全国联网、呼叫中心、数据集中等基础设施建设已成为众多保险公司的主要投入。