- Training Development Staff 负责训练发展的参谋
- National office feasibility and development staff. 联邦政府办公室和发展人员。
- To develop staff capability to cope with changes. 发展员工技能以应付改变的需要。
- Then, when facing urgent task, development staff must drop frame work, do the work that a few handiwork search. 于是,当面临紧急任务的时候,开发人员不得不放下架子,做一些手工查找的工作。
- Their small development staff could not completely check out the outpouring of new models. 他们小的开发人员不能完全检查出的新车型,踊跃捐助。
- A training development / program will be initiated for suitably Academically and Technically qualified individual. 如果您还没有注册,请点击这里免费注册个人会员。
- A database for system development staff to record all significant results from the strategy, analysis, design and implementation stages of the system. 为系统开发人员提供的一种数据库,用于记录从策略、分析、设计和系统的各个执行阶段中得到的全部有价值的结果。
- It is suggested we apply the theories of CBE to professional training development and assessment. 在职业技能鉴定活动中完全可以借鉴CBE的原理开展职业技能培训与考核鉴定。
- This may sound very limiting, and it is, but it works well for projects with a well-understood product definition and a disciplined development staff. 这些听起来似乎限制太多了,是的,但它在产品定义清晰明确并拥有良好训练的开发团队中,应用得非常好。
- Corporate culture Survive by quality, service and development Staff's credo: customer satisfaction to the highest criteria for the work! 公司文化 以质量求生存、以服务求发展 员工的信条:以用户的满意为工作的最高准则!
- Part Yuan also with deep emotion that enterprises mister training development project managers have to work more productively well. 汪光焘还深情地希望企业老总们把项目经理的培养发展工作更有成效地搞好。
- In addition, research and development staff also Netease with interest the development of a "blog men and women" products can be analyzed Mr. Owners sexuality. 此外,研发人员还饶有兴趣地开发了一个“博客男女”产品,可以分析博主的性别倾向。
- The aim is to develop staff with transferable technology such as critical thoughts, intercommunion skills, and art of leadership. 目标是发展拥有可转移性技术的员工,例如他们的批评性思维、人际交流技巧以及领导艺术。
- STC has a field of fine chemical industry's top technology development staff, professional development of new special daily-use chemical products, the concept of new products. STC拥有精细化工领域顶尖技术开发人员;专业开发新特日用化工产品;概念新产品.
- Participate in evaluating and implementing new cell culture processing technologies and procedures including those for seed train development and preparation of inoculum. 参与评估和执行新的细胞培养工艺技术和程序包括种子培养开发和接种物的制备等。
- Effective risk management requires refresher training to maintain and develop staff skills, as well as revitalising the process to incorporate recent developments and new approaches. 有效的风险管理需要增补的训练以保持及发展员工的技巧,以及配合最新发展及新途径以更新程序。
- The HKMA places great emphasis on developing staff capabilities to meet operational needs and new challenges. 金管局非常重视员工培训,以应付运作需要及新的挑战。
- Human resources management mode under internationalized competition consists of systematic mechanisms like post analysis, assessment, selection & staffing, training development, wage incentive, etc. 国际化竞争要求下的人力资源管理模式,是包括职位分析、考核测评、选拔配置、培训开发、薪酬激励等的系统性机制。
- Mentored, supported and developed staff to promote internal growth and succession planning. 指导,支持和发展的工作人员,以促进内部成长和继任规划。
- Instead of training developers on techniques of writing reliable code, you just absolve yourself of responsibility by paying them if they do. 你逃避了自己应负的责任,仅仅用金钱来引诱他们,而不是放弃教导开发人员撰写可靠程式码的技术。