- By using differential transformation method, the Jacobian matrix is got. 最后利用微分变换法,获取机器人雅可比矩阵。
- Wavelet transformation method has gained more and more applications in the field of nonlinear recognition. 摘要小波变换方法在非线性识别领域得到了越来越多的应用。
- The paper introduces the construction frame, and elaborates the transformation method and the step. 本文给出了整体结构框架,并阐述了改造的方法与步骤。
- In this paper, a novel transformation method about time - dependent Schrodinger equation is obtained. 为使含时场的薛定谔方程得到简化,给出了一种新的变换方法,可用于实际量子力学问题的求解。
- From the view of methodology,the meaning and function of transformation method in mathematical analysis are enunciated. 从方法论角度阐述了数学化归法在数学分析中的应用和意义.
- The properties of the weak-coupling bound polaron in quantum well are studied using the linear combination operator and the unitary transformation method. 摘要采用线性组合算符及幺正变换方法研究了磁场对量子阱中弱耦合束缚极化子的性质的影响。
- The results show that all solution can determinately exist, which avoids the complicated discussion to singular solution educed from D-H transformation method. 结果表明,各关节的运动学逆解唯一,计算简单,运算量小,特别是对于具有多冗馀度的机器人,此法能够避免奇异解的讨论,提高计算效率。
- When time domain solutions are required, the Laplace transform method is straightforward. 当需要时域解时,拉氏变换方法也是很直接的。
- In order to use optical methods and optical elements to implement perfect shuffle,a perfect shuffle transformation method using micro-blazed grating array was proposed. 针对目前已经采用的实现左混洗变换方法的不足,提出了利用微光学衍射元件(微闪耀光栅阵列)实现全混洗变换的方法。
- Secondly,the solutions to the differential equation are obtained by means of Laplace's transform method. 建立液压伺服机构的微分方程和导出传递函数。
- Compared with traditional "isogonal transformation method", all geometric parameters of the leaf curved surface may be calculated exactly. 与传统的“等角变换”法比较,可精确计算叶片的全部几何参数。
- The unsymmetrical cellulose membrane was prepared with phase transformation method, with cellulose as raw material and NMMO as solvent. 摘要以纤维素为原料,N-甲基吗啉-N-氧化物(简写NMMO)为溶剂,采用相转化法制备非对称纤维素膜。
- This method is using two times conformal transformation method and mirror theory to calculate the characteristic impedance. 这种方法是采用两次保角变换结合同轴线特性阻抗公式进行特性阻抗计算。
- In other words, after the Load method has successfully completed, the Transform method can be called simultaneously from multiple threads. 也就是说,成功完成Load方法后,可以同时从多个线程调用Transform方法。
- The experimental results show that the approach is superior to mathematical morphological method and wavelet transform method alone. 实验结果表明,提出的这种结合方法优于单独使用数学形态学法或小波提升法。
- In this study, a pea ferritin (?Fer?) gene was transferred into rice (?Oryza sativa? cv ?Xiushui11?, japonica), by ?Agrobacterium??mediated transformation method. 本研究利用农杆菌介导的转化方法将豌豆铁蛋白(peaferritin,Fer)基因转化到水稻秀水11品种中。
- The wavelet transformation method was introduced into the design of a set of infra image processor based on the parallel operation of the TMS320F206 DSP. 以TMS320F206DSP为基础,采用小波变换的方法,设计了一套红外图像处理器。
- In the numerical calculation of electromagnetic transient response, the G-S transform method is used frequently for inverse Laplace transform. 摘要在电磁场瞬变响应的数值计算中,常采用G-S变换法作逆拉氏变换。
- The migration imaging problem of three-dimensional magnetotelluric data was studied by Fourier transformation method, inner insert and extrapolate technology. 摘要利用傅里叶变换及内插外推方法对三维大地电磁资料偏移成像问题进行了研究。