- Her work was divided between tutoring and research. 她兼做导师工作和研究工作。
- Commentaries Translation and Research on the Silk Scroll Book of Laozi a revised and enlarged edition written by Xu Kangsheng Hangzhou: Zhejiang People's Publishing House 1985. (台北:文津出版社1985)伦敦所藏敦煌老子写本残卷研究[海外中文图书](程南洲著)
- The mission of a university is teaching and research. 大学的任务是教学和科研。
- The Chinese government has set up special institutions for the collection,editing,translation and research of the three major epics of ethnic minorities: Gesar of the Tibetan,Jianggar of the Mongolians and Manas of the Kirgiz. 中国政府设立了中国少数民族三大英雄史诗《格萨尔》(藏族民间说唱体长篇英雄史诗)、《江格尔》(蒙古族著名的英雄史诗)、《玛纳斯》(柯尔克孜族著名的传记性史诗)专门工作机构,有计划有组织地进行收集、整理、翻译、研究工作。
- Among these translations and theses, in his Mencius, A. 点评:缺乏对文化背景差异的考虑。
- No benefactions and research endowments can make up for the change in character which the city has suffered. 任何捐款和研究基金也弥补不了这个大学城所遭受的特性的变化。
- Kitakyushu Science and Research Park. 北九州学術研究。
- University Educational and Research Robotics Dept. 大学教育与研究机器人
- And research lies in progress to become. 研究着进程中的谎言。
- Translation and Research of Henri Michaux in China 米修在中国的译介与研究
- Practice and research method for travel survey II. 旅游调查研究的方法与实践2。
- Anhui Education and Research Network? 安徽省教育和科研计算机网?
- Tremendous achievements have been made in collecting,editing,translating and researching the Janger of the Mongolians and the Manas of the Kirgiz,two of China's three important epics of ethnic minorities. 对在中国少数民族三大英雄史诗中产生于新疆蒙古族和柯尔克孜族的《江格尔》和《玛纳斯》两部史诗的搜集、整理、翻译和研究取得了很大成就。
- Review and Research Development of Ficus pumila L. 薜荔概述及研究进展。
- English translation and interpretation forum! 文字链接鲁大翻译论坛!
- China Giant Panda Protection and Research Center. 中国大熊猫保护与研究中心。
- Inquire before translating and have in a hurry. 翻译急忙上前询问。
- Language translation and world weather report. 语言翻译及各地天气报告。
- Search and research competitor's IPRs. 检索及分析竞争者知识产权.
- Please compare these two translations and try to find out the difference. 比较两种译文,找出不同点。